# window.py # # Copyright 2022 mirkobrombin # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundationat version 3 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import time import contextlib from gi.repository import Gtk, GObject, Adw from vanilla_first_setup.utils.builder import Builder from vanilla_first_setup.utils.parser import Parser from vanilla_first_setup.utils.processor import Processor from vanilla_first_setup.utils.run_async import RunAsync from vanilla_first_setup.views.progress import VanillaProgress from vanilla_first_setup.views.done import VanillaDone from vanilla_first_setup.views.post_script import VanillaPostScript @Gtk.Template(resource_path='/io/github/vanilla-os/FirstSetup/gtk/window.ui') class VanillaWindow(Adw.ApplicationWindow): __gtype_name__ = 'VanillaWindow' __gsignals__ = { "page-changed": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (str,)), } carousel = Gtk.Template.Child() carousel_indicator_dots = Gtk.Template.Child() headerbar = Gtk.Template.Child() btn_back = Gtk.Template.Child() toasts = Gtk.Template.Child() def __init__(self, post_script: str, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # prepare a variable for the initialization mode: # 0 = normal # 1 = post script self.__init_mode = 0 # some modes handle the result on their own, so we set # a new variable where to store the result: # None = no managed result # True/False = managed result self.__last_result = None # if a post_script is provided, we are in the post setup # so we can skip the builder and just run the post script # in the Vte terminal if post_script: # set the initialization mode to 1 self.__init_mode = 1 # system views self.__view_done = VanillaDone(self, reboot=False, title=_("Done!"), description=_("Your device is ready to use."), fail_title=_("Error!"), fail_description=_("Something went wrong.")) # this builds the UI for the post script only self.__build_post_script_ui(post_script) # connect system signals self.__connect_signals() return # this starts the builder and generates the widgets # to put in the carousel self.__builder = Builder(self) self.recipe = self.__builder.recipe # system views self.__view_progress = VanillaProgress(self, self.recipe.get("tour", {})) self.__view_done = VanillaDone(self) # this builds the UI with the widgets generated by the builder self.__build_ui() # connect system signals self.__connect_signals() def __build_post_script_ui(self, post_script): self.__view_post_script = VanillaPostScript(self, post_script) self.carousel.append(self.__view_post_script) self.carousel.append(self.__view_done) @property def builder(self): return self.__builder def __connect_signals(self): self.btn_back.connect("clicked", self.back) self.carousel.connect("page-changed", self.__on_page_changed) def __build_ui(self): for widget in self.__builder.widgets: self.carousel.append(widget) self.carousel.append(self.__view_progress) self.carousel.append(self.__view_done) def __on_page_changed(self, *args): def process(): # this parses the finals to compatible commands, by replacing the # placeholders with the actual values and generating shell commands commands = Parser.parse(finals) # process the commands return Processor.run( self.recipe.get("log_file", "/tmp/vanilla_first_setup.log"), self.recipe.get("pre_run", []), self.recipe.get("post_run"), commands ) def on_done(result, *args): if self.__init_mode == 0: self.__view_done.set_result(result) self.next() pages_check = [self.__view_done] if self.__init_mode == 0: pages_check.append(self.__view_progress) cur_index = self.carousel.get_position() page = self.carousel.get_nth_page(cur_index) with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): self.emit("page-changed", page.step_id) print("Page changed to", cur_index, page) if page not in pages_check: self.btn_back.set_visible(cur_index != 0.0) self.carousel_indicator_dots.set_visible(cur_index != 0.0) self.headerbar.set_show_end_title_buttons(cur_index != 0.0) return self.btn_back.set_visible(False) self.carousel_indicator_dots.set_visible(False) self.headerbar.set_show_end_title_buttons(False) # if there is a managed result, we can skip the processing # and manage it directly instead if self.__last_result is not None: self.__view_done.set_result(self.__last_result) self.__last_result = None return # keep the btn_back button locked if this is the last page if page == self.__view_done: return # collect all the finals finals = self.__builder.get_finals() # run the process in a thread RunAsync(process, on_done) def next(self, widget: Gtk.Widget=None, result: bool=None, *args): if result is not None: self.__last_result = result cur_index = self.carousel.get_position() page = self.carousel.get_nth_page(cur_index + 1) self.carousel.scroll_to(page, True) def back(self, *args): cur_index = self.carousel.get_position() page = self.carousel.get_nth_page(cur_index - 1) self.carousel.scroll_to(page, True) def toast(self, message, timeout=3): toast = Adw.Toast.new(message) toast.props.timeout = timeout self.toasts.add_toast(toast)