{ "log_file": "/etc/vanilla/first-setup.log", "distro_name": "Vanilla OS", "distro_logo": "io.github.vanilla-os.FirstSetup", "pre_run": [ "apt update", "apt install -f" ], "post_run": [ "apt update", "apt install -f" ], "tour": { "abroot": { "icon": "security-medium-symbolic", "title": "Immutable and Atomic", "description": "Vanilla OS is an immutable and atomic Linux distribution. It is based on Ubuntu and uses ABRoot to provide atomic transactions.", "read_more_link": "https://documentation.vanillaos.org/docs/abroot/" }, "apx": { "icon": "vanilla-container-terminal-symbolic", "title": "Sub-System Ready To Go", "description": "Vanilla OS comes with Apx, a new package manager which installs software in integrated containers to prevent host compromise.", "read_more_link": "https://documentation.vanillaos.org/docs/apx/" } }, "steps": { "welcome": { "template": "welcome" }, "theme": { "template": "theme" }, "packages": { "template": "preferences", "icon": "vanilla-package-symbolic", "title": "Package Manager", "description": "Choose one or more package managers to install", "without_selection": { "allowed": true, "message": "You have chosen not to install any package manager, you will only be able to install packages using the package manager (apx).\n\nGNOME Software will be disabled.", "title": "No package manager selected", "final": [ { "type": "command", "commands": [ "apt remove -y gnome-software" ] } ] }, "preferences": [ { "id": "flatpak", "title": "Flatpak", "subtitle": "Manage and configure Flatpaks and the Flathub repository.", "default": true }, { "id": "snap", "title": "Snap", "subtitle": "Manage and configure Snaps and the Snapcraft repository." }, { "id": "appimage", "title": "AppImage", "subtitle": "Install necessary dependencies to run AppImages.", "default": true } ], "final": [ { "if": "flatpak", "type": "command", "commands": [ "apt install -y flatpak gnome-software-plugin-flatpak", "!outRun echo '[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nExec=kgx -e bash -c \"echo 'Configuring Flathub..' && flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo && rm -f ~/.config/autostart/flathub.desktop && echo 'Flathub installed successfully' || echo 'Failed installing Flathub. Are you connected to the internet?'\"\nName=Flatpak Flathub\nComment=Add Flathub repository to Flatpak\n' > ~/.config/autostart/flathub.desktop" ] }, { "if": "snap", "type": "command", "commands": ["apt install -y snapd"] }, { "if": "appimage", "type": "command", "commands": ["apt install -y fuse3 libfuse2"] } ] }, "apps": { "template": "applications", "icon": "org.gnome.Software-symbolic", "title": "Applications", "description": "Choose which applications to install.", "bundles": [ { "id": "essential-apps", "title": "Essential Applications", "subtitle": "Core GNOME apps like Calendar or Calculator.", "default": true, "applications" : [ { "name" : "Calculator", "icon" : "org.gnome.Calculator", "flatpak-id" : "org.gnome.Calculator", "snap-id" : "gnome-calculator" }, { "name" : "Calendar", "icon" : "org.gnome.Calendar", "flatpak-id" : "org.gnome.Calendar" }, { "name" : "Characters", "icon" : "org.gnome.Characters", "flatpak-id" : "org.gnome.Characters", "snap-id" : "gnome-characters" }, { "name" : "Cheese", "icon" : "org.gnome.Cheese", "flatpak-id" : "org.gnome.Cheese", "snap-id" : "cheese" }, { "name" : "Clocks", "icon" : "org.gnome.clocks", "flatpak-id" : "org.gnome.clocks", "snap-id" : "gnome-clocks" }, { "name" : "Contacts", "icon" : "org.gnome.Contacts", "flatpak-id" : "org.gnome.Contacts", "snap-id" : "gnome-contacts" }, { "name" : "Disk Usage Analyzer", "icon" : "org.gnome.baobab", "flatpak-id" : "org.gnome.baobab" }, { "name" : "Document Viewer", "icon" : "org.gnome.Evince", "flatpak-id" : "org.gnome.Evince", "snap-id" : "evince" }, { "name" : "Extensions", "icon" : "org.gnome.Extensions", "flatpak-id" : "org.gnome.Extensions" }, { "name" : "Fonts", "icon" : "org.gnome.font-viewer", "flatpak-id" : "org.gnome.font-viewer" }, { "name" : "Image Viewer", "icon" : "org.gnome.eog", "flatpak-id" : "org.gnome.eog", "snap-id" : "eog" }, { "name" : "Logs", "icon" : "org.gnome.Logs", "flatpak-id" : "org.gnome.Logs", "snap-id" : "gnome-logs" }, { "name" : "Maps", "icon" : "org.gnome.Maps", "flatpak-id" : "org.gnome.Maps" }, { "name" : "Music", "icon" : "org.gnome.Music", "flatpak-id" : "org.gnome.Music" }, { "name" : "Photos", "icon" : "org.gnome.Photos", "flatpak-id" : "org.gnome.Photos" }, { "name" : "Text Editor", "icon" : "org.gnome.TextEditor", "flatpak-id" : "org.gnome.TextEditor" }, { "name" : "Videos", "icon" : "org.gnome.Totem", "flatpak-id" : "org.gnome.Totem" }, { "name" : "Weather", "icon" : "org.gnome.Weather", "flatpak-id" : "org.gnome.Weather", "snap-id" : "gnome-weather" } ] }, { "id": "utilities", "title": "Common Utilities", "subtitle": "Useful utilities like Bottles.", "default": true, "applications" : [ { "name" : "Bottles", "icon" : "com.usebottles.bottles", "flatpak-id" : "com.usebottles.bottles" } ] } ], "final": [ { "if": "essential-apps", "type": "command", "commands": ["flatpak install org.gnome.Geary || snap install snapd"] }, { "if": "utilities", "type": "command", "commands": ["flatpak install org.gnome.Geary || snap install snapd"] } ] }, "nvidia": { "template": "yes-no", "display-conditions": [ "lspci | grep -i '.* nvidia .*'" ], "icon": "video-display-symbolic", "title": "NVIDIA® Drivers", "description": "Choose whether to install proprietary NVIDIA drivers for better compatibility and performance.", "buttons": { "yes": "Yes, install", "no": "Skip", "info": { "type": "text", "title": "About Proprietary Drivers", "text": "A proprietary driver has private code that neither Vanilla OS nor Ubuntu developers can review.\n\nSecurity and other updates are dependent on the driver vendor." } }, "final": [ { "if": "nvidia", "type": "command", "commands": [ "apt install -y linux-headers-$(uname -r)", "ubuntu-drivers install --recommended" ] } ] }, "vm": { "template": "yes-no", "display-conditions": [ "grep 'hypervisor' /proc/cpuinfo" ], "icon": "application-x-appliance-symbolic", "title": "Open VM Tools", "description": "Choose whether to install Open VM Tools for the virtual machine.", "buttons": { "yes": "Install", "no": "Skip", "info": { "type": "text", "title": "About Open VM Tools", "text": "Open VM Tools can be used in GNOME Boxes." } }, "final": [ { "if": "vm", "type": "command", "commands": ["apt install -y open-vm-tools"] } ] }, "codecs": { "template": "yes-no", "icon": "vanilla-puzzle-piece-symbolic", "title": "Restricted Codecs", "description": "Choose whether to install restricted codecs and fonts.", "buttons": { "yes": "Install", "no": "Skip", "info": { "type": "text", "title": "About Restricted Codecs", "text": "Installs ubuntu-restricted-extras and ubuntu-restricted-addons." } }, "final": [ { "if": "codecs", "type": "command", "commands": ["apt install -y ubuntu-restricted-addons ubuntu-restricted-extras"] } ] }, "extra": { "template": "preferences", "icon": "dialog-warning-symbolic", "title": "Extra Settings", "description": "The following are optional settings, leave them as they are if you don't know what they do.", "preferences": [ { "id": "apport", "title": "Apport", "subtitle": "Apport is a crash reporting system that helps us improve the stability of the system." } ], "final": [ { "if": "apport", "type": "command", "commands": [ "apt install -y apport", "systemctl enable apport.service || true" ] }, { "if": "apport", "condition": false, "type": "command", "commands": [ "apt remove -y apport", "systemctl disable apport.service || true" ] } ] } } }