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58 lines
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from github import Github
import sys
g = Github(open(".access_token").read().strip())
def post_update(text):
repo = g.get_repo("crystalrfc-bot/status")
thread = repo.get_issue(1)
thread.create_comment(text + "\n Beep Boop! (I'm a bot, and this action was performed automagically.)")
targets = ['crystal-linux/.github', 'crystal-linux-packages/.github']
status_text = ""
for tgt in targets:
repo = g.get_repo(tgt)
status_text += f"# Examining {repo.full_name}\n"
core_team = g.get_organization('crystal-linux').get_team_by_slug('core-team')
core_team_members = core_team.get_members()
core_team_logins = []
for member in core_team_members:
rfcs_passed = 0
for issue in repo.get_issues():
if 'RFC' in issue.title:
print(f"Working on: {issue.title}")
all_reactions = issue.get_reactions()
if all_reactions.totalCount != 0:
total_votes_for = 0
total_votes_against = 0
for reaction in all_reactions:
if reaction.user.login in core_team_logins:
#print(f"- {reaction.content}: by {reaction.user.login}")
if reaction.content == "+1":
total_votes_for += 1
elif reaction.content == "-1":
total_votes_against += 1
print(f"Total votes for resolution: {str(total_votes_for)}")
print(f"Total votes against resolution: {str(total_votes_against)}")
if (total_votes_for/len(core_team_logins)) > 0.5:
print("This RFC should be passed. Adding comment.")
issue.create_comment("This resolution has enough votes from Core Team mebers to be considered passed. Please close the issue once appropriate actions have been taken. - Beep Boop (I'm a bot, and this action was performed automagically)")
rfcs_passed += 1
status_text += f"* Suggested that {issue.title} be acted upon, as it has passed.\n"
print("Not enough votes to pass")
if rfcs_passed == 0:
status_text += "No action taken in this repo.\n"
if status_text == "":
status_text = "Something has gone wrong! No actions were taken at *all*!"