use embed_nu::{ nu_protocol::{engine::Command, Signature, SyntaxShape}, CallExt, PipelineData, }; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct WarnCommand; impl Command for WarnCommand { fn name(&self) -> &str { "warn" } fn signature(&self) -> embed_nu::nu_protocol::Signature { Signature::new("warn") .rest("rest", SyntaxShape::Any, "the warning to print") .category(embed_nu::nu_protocol::Category::Custom("Tourmaline".into())) } fn usage(&self) -> &str { "Prints the given message and values with warning severity" } fn run( &self, engine_state: &embed_nu::nu_protocol::engine::EngineState, stack: &mut embed_nu::nu_protocol::engine::Stack, call: &embed_nu::nu_protocol::ast::Call, _input: embed_nu::PipelineData, ) -> Result { let args: Vec =, stack, 0)?; tracing::warn!("{}", args.join(" ")); Ok(PipelineData::empty()) } }