# tourmaline Tourmaline is a (planned) agnostic, asynchronous and awesome installer framework ## Usage Just run `cargo run -- help` or `trm help` for now. ## Distro Config Scripts and config files for all supported distros are stored in the `config` folder of this repository. Each distro has its own folder with several subfolders corresponding to all integration tasks. ``` | distro.toml | config.schema.json | | up.nu | down.nu | | up.nu | down.nu ``` ### Distro config The `distro.toml` file contains config options of the distro and allows one to define additional tasks to perform on install. The basic schema of this config file looks like this: ```toml # Distro metadata [distro] # Name of the distro name = "Distro Name" # Website of the distro website = "https://mydistro.com" # Configuration of the OSConfig file [config] # Reference to the JSON Schema describing the config extension of that distro #[default: "config.schema.json"] schema = "config.schema.json" # Task-related configuration [tasks] # The key correspons to the name of the task on the file system. # In this case the scripts `custom-task/up.nu` and `custom-task/down.nu` must # exist in the distro's config folder [tasks.custom-task] # The key inside the extended config that is used to pass the config # value to this task # If this key is empty no value is passed to the task # [default: none] config_key = "enable_flatpak" # If set to true, the task will be skipped if the value of the task's config # (indexed by config_key) is null or false. This setting is ignored when # no config_key is defined for this task # [default: false] skip_on_false = true # The order in which the task(s) should be executed. Note that # custom tasks alsways get executed after the base task. # [default: usize::MAX] order = 10 ``` # Config Schema The config schema describing the extended OSConfig for that distro can be configured in the `distro.toml` and defaults to `config.schema.json`. This file is a [JSON Schema](https://json-schema.org/) describing the additional fields required in the config. Make sure to mark required values as such so that the config get's properly validated. ### Scripts The `up.nu` scripts contain the required steps to apply the change described by the task. This can include installing packages, creating configuration files and starting systemd units. The `down.nu` scripts contain the steps to revert the change applied by a task. These scripts will later be used to offer functionalities like reinstalling grub or changing installed kernels. # License > GPL v3 See LICENSE.