use crate::database::permissions::CREATE_ROLE_PERMISSION; use crate::database::Database; use crate::server::messages::{ CreateRoleRequest, CreateRoleResponse, LoginMessage, LogoutConfirmation, LogoutMessage, RefreshMessage, }; use crate::utils::error::DBError; use crate::utils::get_user_id_from_token; use regex::Regex; use rouille::{Request, Response, Server}; use serde::export::Formatter; use serde::Serialize; use std::error::Error; use std::fmt::{self, Display}; use std::io::Read; const LISTEN_ADDRESS: &str = "HTTP_SERVER_ADDRESS"; const DEFAULT_LISTEN_ADDRESS: &str = ""; const ENV_ENABLE_CORS: &str = "ENABLE_CORS"; /// The HTTP server of the user management that provides a /// REST api for login and requesting tokens pub struct UserHttpServer { database: Database, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize)] pub struct HTTPError { message: String, error_code: u16, } impl Display for HTTPError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.message) } } impl Error for HTTPError {} impl From for HTTPError { fn from(other: DBError) -> Self { Self { message: other.to_string(), error_code: 400, } } } impl Into for HTTPError { fn into(self) -> Response { Response::json(&self).with_status_code(self.error_code) } } impl HTTPError { pub fn new(message: String, code: u16) -> Self { Self { message, error_code: code, } } } type HTTPResult = Result; impl UserHttpServer { pub fn new(database: &Database) -> Self { Self { database: Database::clone(database), } } /// Stats the server. /// This call blocks until the server is shut down. pub fn start(&self) { log::info!("Starting HTTP-Server..."); let listen_address = dotenv::var(LISTEN_ADDRESS).unwrap_or(DEFAULT_LISTEN_ADDRESS.to_string()); let database = Database::clone(&self.database); let server = Server::new(&listen_address, move |request| { let mut response = router!(request, (POST) (/login) => { Self::login(&database, request).unwrap_or_else(HTTPError::into) }, (POST) (/new-token) => { Self::new_token(&database, request).unwrap_or_else(HTTPError::into) }, (POST) (/logout) => { Self::logout(&database, request).unwrap_or_else(HTTPError::into) }, (POST)(/roles/create) => { Self::create_role(&database, request).unwrap_or_else(HTTPError::into) }, _ => if request.method() == "OPTIONS" { Response::empty_204() } else { Response::empty_404() } ); if dotenv::var(ENV_ENABLE_CORS).unwrap_or("false".to_string()) == "true" { response = response .with_additional_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") .with_additional_header( "Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET,HEAD,PUT,PATCH,POST,DELETE", ) .with_additional_header("Vary", "Access-Control-Request-Headers"); if let Some(request_headers) = request.header("Access-Control-Request-Headers") { response = response.with_additional_header( "Access-Control-Allow-Headers", request_headers.to_string(), ); } } response }) .unwrap(); log::info!("HTTP-Server running on {}", listen_address); } /// Handles the login part of the REST api fn login(database: &Database, request: &Request) -> HTTPResult { let login_request: LoginMessage = serde_json::from_str(parse_string_body(request)?.as_str()) .map_err(|e| HTTPError::new(e.to_string(), 400))?; let tokens = database .users .create_tokens(&, &login_request.password)?; Ok(Response::json(&tokens).with_status_code(201)) } /// Handles the new token part of the rest api fn new_token(database: &Database, request: &Request) -> HTTPResult { let message: RefreshMessage = serde_json::from_str(parse_string_body(request)?.as_str()) .map_err(|e| HTTPError::new(e.to_string(), 400))?; let tokens = database.users.refresh_tokens(&message.refresh_token)?; Ok(Response::json(&tokens)) } fn logout(database: &Database, request: &Request) -> HTTPResult { let message: LogoutMessage = serde_json::from_str(parse_string_body(request)?.as_str()) .map_err(|e| HTTPError::new(e.to_string(), 400))?; let success = database.users.delete_tokens(&message.request_token)?; Ok(Response::json(&LogoutConfirmation { success }).with_status_code(205)) } fn create_role(database: &Database, request: &Request) -> HTTPResult { let (_token, id) = validate_request_token(request, database)?; if !database.users.has_permission(id, CREATE_ROLE_PERMISSION)? { return Err(HTTPError::new("Insufficient permissions".to_string(), 403)); } let message: CreateRoleRequest = serde_json::from_str(parse_string_body(request)?.as_str()) .map_err(|e| HTTPError::new(e.to_string(), 400))?; let role = database .roles .create_role(, message.description, message.permissions)?; let permissions = database.role_permission.by_role(; Ok(Response::json(&CreateRoleResponse { id:, permissions, name:, }) .with_status_code(201)) } } /// Parses the body of a http request into a string representation fn parse_string_body(request: &Request) -> HTTPResult { let mut body = request .data() .ok_or(HTTPError::new("Missing request data!".to_string(), 400))?; let mut string_body = String::new(); body.read_to_string(&mut string_body) .map_err(|e| HTTPError::new(format!("Failed to parse request data {}", e), 400))?; Ok(string_body) } /// Parses and validates the request token from the http header fn validate_request_token(request: &Request, database: &Database) -> HTTPResult<(String, i32)> { lazy_static::lazy_static! {static ref BEARER_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"^[bB]earer\s+").unwrap();} let token = request .header("authorization") .ok_or(HTTPError::new("401 Unauthorized".to_string(), 401))?; let token = BEARER_REGEX.replace(token, ""); let (valid, _) = database.users.validate_request_token(&token.to_string())?; if !valid { Err(HTTPError::new("Invalid request token".to_string(), 401)) } else { Ok(( token.to_string(), get_user_id_from_token(&token.to_string()) .ok_or(HTTPError::new("Invalid request token".to_string(), 401))?, )) } }