# bdflib This library provides methods to read and write Binary Dictionary Format files that can be used to represent rainbow tables. ## Binary Dictionary File Format (bdf) ``` =
[] ``` All `u8` format are unsigned BigEndian numbers. ### Header Raw (hex) `42 44 46 01 52 41 49 4e 42 4f 57` | Position | Name | Value | Meaning | | -------- | ----------- | --------- | ---------------------------------- | | 0-2 | Format | `BDF` | Indicates the bdf Format | | 3-4 | Version | u32 | The revision of the format (0x01) | | 4-10 | to be fancy | `RAINBOW` | The word "Rainbow" because why not | ### Chunk | Position | Name | Value | Meaning | | ------------- | ---------- | ----- | ------------------------------ | | 0-3 | length (l) | u32 | the length of the data chunk | | 4-7 | name | ASCII | the name of the chunk | | 8-l | data | any | the data of the chunk | | l + 1 - l + 5 | crc | crc | the crc sum value of the chunk | ### Meta Chunk The format of the data inside the `META` chunk. The data is mandatory for the file to be interpreted and the chunk should be the first chunk in the file. | Position | Name | Value | Meaning | | -------- | ----------------------- | ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | 0-3 | chunk count | u32 | The number of `DTBL` chunks in the file | | 4-7 | entries per chunk | u32 | The maximum number of Data Rows in each chunk | | 8-15 | total number of entries | u64 | The total number Data Rows in the file | | 16-19 | compression method | ASCII/0x00000000 | The name of the compression method or null bytes if none is used | ### Data Row The format inside the `DTBL` chunk. A chunk contains multiple data rows. | Position | Name | Value | Meaning | | --------- | ---------- | ----- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 0-3 | length(lt) | u32 | the total length of the data row | | 4-7 | length (l) | u32 | the length of the password string | | 8-l | password | UTF-8 | The password string | | 1: l+1 - l+5 | type | u32 | the id of the hash function | | l+6 - l+x | hash | any | the value of the hash function. The length has to be looked up by the hash functions ID | | goto 1 | ### Hash Entry The format inside the `HTBL` chunk. Just like the DataRow the HashEntry is contained in the chunk multiple times. | Position | Name | Value | Meaning | | --------- | ------------- | ----- | --------------------------------------------------- | | 0-3 | ID | u32 | the id of the entry that is used in the data tables | | 4-7 | output length | u32 | the length of the output of the hash function | | 8-11 | length | u32 | the length of the hash functions name | | 12-length | name | ASCII | the name of the hash function |