#include #include #include #include "rainbowvalue.h" #ifndef readBulk #define readBulk #define BULKSIZE 2000 #define MAXMEM 256 /** * reads bulk from file, file pointer is used as handle so if you read several bulk, dont use file pointer between * if BULKSIZE or EOF is reached, 2000 or number of lines read is returned. Memory must be allocated by caller * @param fptr file pointer * @bulk allocated memory fot bulk * @return */ size_t getBulk(FILE * fptr, char bulk[BULKSIZE][MAXMEM]); /** * reads bulk of s_rainbowvalues and stores them in rs * @param fptr * @param rs * @return values read */ size_t getHashBulk(FILE *fptr, struct s_rainbowvalue256 rs[BULKSIZE]); #endif