# destools Tools to encrypt and brute force decrypt with des. ## Usage ```sh USAGE: destools FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information SUBCOMMANDS: create-dictionary Create a dictionary rainbow-table from a txt file decrypt Decrypt a DES encoded file encrypt Encrypt a file with des help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) ``` ## Example ```shell script # Encrypt test.txt to test.des destools encrypt -i test.txt -o test.des --checksum-file test.sha256 # Create a rainbow table from passwords.txt destools create-dictionary -i passwords.txt -o dictionary.csv # Decrypt test.des destools decrypt -i test.des -o decrypted.txt # Try to brute force dercrypt test.des destools decrypt -i test.des -o decrypted.txt -d dictionary.csv --checksum-file test.sha256 ```