use num_bigint::{BigUint, ToBigUint}; use num_integer::Integer; use num_traits::{ToPrimitive, Zero}; use std::sync::mpsc::*; use std::thread; use std::time::Instant; fn main() { let num_threads: u64 = num_cpus::get() as u64; let (tx, rx) = channel::(); let (sen_timing, rec_timing) = channel::(); let end: BigUint = ubig_pow(10, 100); println!("Starting {} threads...", num_threads); for i in 0u64..num_threads { let tx = tx.clone(); let sen_timing = sen_timing.clone(); let end = end.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { get_rotatable(tx, sen_timing, 10+i, end, num_threads); }); println!("Started thread {}", i); } // spawns a new thread to calculate the iterations / second thread::spawn(move || { let mut last_sent = Instant::now(); let mut iterations = 0; loop { rec_timing.recv().unwrap(); iterations += 10; if last_sent.elapsed().as_secs() > 10 { println!("{:.2} iter/s", iterations as f64/last_sent.elapsed().as_secs() as f64); last_sent = Instant::now(); iterations = 0; } } }); loop { println!("{}", rx.recv().unwrap()); } } /// searches for numbers according to [euler-168]( /// the resulting numbers are sent via the tx-sender into a channel. /// every iteration a timing-boolean is sent in via the sen_time-sender to calculate /// the speed of the iterations fn get_rotatable(tx: Sender, sen_time: Sender, start: u64, end: BigUint, step: u64) { let mut num: BigUint = start.to_biguint().unwrap(); while num < end { if num.is_odd() || !(&num % 10 as u64).is_zero() { let mut digits = ubig_digits(num.clone()); if digits.first() >= digits.last() && !(digits[0] % 2 == 0 && digits[1] % 2 == 1) && (&num % *digits.first().unwrap() as u64).is_zero() { digits.rotate_left(1); let num_rotated = ubig_from_digits(digits); if (num_rotated % &num).is_zero() { let _ = tx.send(num.clone()); } } } else { let _ = sen_time.send(true); } num += step; } } /// returns a vector containing the digits of the BigUint fn ubig_digits(big_number: BigUint) -> Vec { let mut num: BigUint = big_number; let mut digits: Vec = vec![]; let zero: BigUint = 0.to_biguint().unwrap(); let ten: BigUint = 10.to_biguint().unwrap(); while num > zero { let (quot, rem) = num.div_rem(&ten); num = quot; digits.push(rem.to_u8().unwrap()); } digits } /// returns a BigUint for a vector of digits fn ubig_from_digits(digits: Vec) -> BigUint { let mut num: BigUint = 0.to_biguint().unwrap(); for (index, digit) in digits.iter().enumerate() { num += ubig_pow(10, index) * digit; } num } /// returns ubig^exp fn ubig_pow(base: u128, exp: usize) -> BigUint { let mut num = base.to_biguint().unwrap(); for _ in 0..exp { num *= base; } num }