Added Unit Tests & Logging
- Added own logger class that includes the module name - added unit tests for MessageHandler, Command and Answer - removed unit tests for GuildHandler and lib/cmd - removed old command templatespull/51/head
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
"utils": {
"help": {
"name": "help",
"permission": "all",
"description": "Shows this help command.",
"category": "Utility",
"args": [
"say": {
"name": "say",
"permission": "all",
"description": "Says something. ~say [String].",
"category": "Utility"
"addpresence": {
"name": "addpresence",
"permission": "owner",
"description": "Adds a presence to presences.",
"category": "Utility"
"shutdown": {
"name": "shutdown",
"description": "Shuts the bot down.",
"permission": "owner",
"category": "Utility"
"rotate": {
"name": "rotate",
"description": "Forces a presence rotation",
"permission": "owner",
"category": "Utility"
"createUser": {
"name": "createUser",
"permission": "owner",
"description": "Creates a new user for the webinterface.",
"category": "Utility",
"args": [
"bugreport": {
"name": "bug",
"permission": "all",
"description": "Get info about how to report a bug",
"category": "Utility",
"response": {
"bug_report": "Please report your bugs [here]("
"info": {
"about": {
"name": "about",
"permission": "all",
"description": "Shows information about this bot.",
"category": "Info",
"response": {
"about_icon": "This icon war created by [blackrose14344]( \n [Original](",
"about_creator": "This bot was created by Trivernis. More about this bot [here]("
"ping": {
"name": "ping",
"permission": "owner",
"description": "Answers with the current average ping of the bot.",
"category": "Info"
"uptime": {
"name": "uptime",
"permission": "owner",
"description": "Answers with the current uptime of the bot.",
"category": "Info"
"guilds": {
"name": "guilds",
"permission": "owner",
"description": "Answers with the number of guilds the bot has joined.",
"category": "Info"
"api": {
"AniList": {
"animeSearch": {
"name": "anime",
"permission": "all",
"description": "Answers the anime found for that name on AniList.",
"category": "AniList",
"response": {
"not_found": "The Anime was not found :("
"mangaSearch": {
"name": "manga",
"permission": "all",
"description": "Answers the manga found for that name on AniList.",
"category": "AniList",
"response": {
"not_found": "The Manga was not found :("
@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
"utils": {
"roles": {
"name": "roles",
"permission": "all",
"description": "Shows the roles used for commands on the server.",
"category": "Utility"
"savecmd": {
"name": "savecmd",
"permission": "moderator",
"description": "Saves a sequence of commands under a new name. ~save [cmdsequence] [cmdname]. Semicoli must be escaped with \\ (Backslash)",
"category": "Utility",
"response": {
"no_recursion": "You are **not** allowed to execute another saved command in this sequence. This is a safety measure to avoid endlessly recursive calls.",
"sequence_too_long": "This command sequence is too long!"
"savedcmd": {
"name": "savedcmd",
"permission": "all",
"description": "Displays the saved commands.",
"category": "Utility",
"response": {
"no_commands": "There are no saved commands."
"deletecmd": {
"name": "deletecmd",
"permission": "moderator",
"description": "Delete a saved command.",
"args": [
"category": "Utility"
"execute": {
"name": "execute",
"permission": "all",
"args": [
"description": "Execute saved commands.",
"category": "Utility",
"response": {
"not_found": "This command could not be found."
"music": {
"play": {
"name": "play",
"permission": "all",
"args": [
"description": "Adds the url to the YouTube video/playlist into the queue.",
"category": "Music",
"response": {
"success": "Added Song/Playlist to the queue.",
"failure": "Failed adding Song/Playlist to the queue.",
"url_invalid": "This is not a valid url!",
"no_url": "I need an url to a video to play!",
"no_voicechannel": "You need to join a voicechannel to do that!"
"playnext": {
"name": "playnext",
"permission": "all",
"args": [
"description": "Adds the url to the YouTube video as next song to the queue.",
"category": "Music",
"response": {
"success": "Added Song as next Song to the queue.",
"failure": "Failed adding Song as next Song to the queue.",
"url_invalid": "This is not a valid url!",
"no_url": "I need an url to a video to play",
"no_voicechannel": "You need to join a voicechannel to do that!"
"join": {
"name": "join",
"permission": "all",
"description": "Joins the VC you are in.",
"category": "Music",
"response": {
"not_connected": "You are not connected to a Voice Channel."
"stop": {
"name": "stop",
"permission": "dj",
"description": "Stops playing music and leaves.",
"category": "Music",
"response": {
"success": "Stopping now...",
"not_playing": "I'm not playing music at the moment."
"pause": {
"name": "pause",
"permission": "all",
"description": "Pauses playing.",
"category": "Music",
"response": {
"success": "Pausing playback.",
"not_playing": "I'm not playing music at the moment."
"resume": {
"name": "resume",
"permission": "all",
"description": "Resumes playing.",
"category": "Music",
"response": {
"success": "Resuming playback.",
"not_playing": "I'm not playing music at the moment."
"skip": {
"name": "skip",
"permission": "dj",
"description": "Skips the current song.",
"category": "Music",
"response": {
"success": "Skipping to the next song.",
"not_playing": "I'm not playing music at the moment."
"clear": {
"name": "clear",
"permission": "dj",
"description": "Clears the queue.",
"category": "Music",
"response": {
"success": "The Queue has been cleared."
"playlist": {
"name": "queue",
"permission": "all",
"description": "Shows the next ten songs.",
"category": "Music"
"current": {
"name": "np",
"permission": "all",
"description": "Shows the currently playing song.",
"category": "Music",
"response": {
"not_playing": "I'm not playing music at the moment."
"shuffle": {
"name": "shuffle",
"permission": "all",
"description": "Shuffles the playlist.",
"category": "Music",
"response": {
"success": "The Queue has been shuffled."
"repeat": {
"name": "repeat",
"permission": "all",
"description": "Toggle listening on repeat.",
"category": "Music",
"response": {
"repeat_true": "Listening on repeat now!",
"repeat_false": "Not listening on repeat anymore."
"savemedia": {
"name": "savemedia",
"permission": "dj",
"args": [
"description": "Saves the YouTube song/playlist with a specific name",
"category": "Music"
"savedmedia": {
"name": "savedmedia",
"permission": "all",
"description": "Prints out all saved playlists and songs.",
"category": "Music",
"response": {
"no_saved": "There are no saved songs/playlists :("
"deletemedia": {
"name": "deletemedia",
"permission": "dj",
"description": "Deletes a saved media entry. ~deletemedia [name]",
"category": "Music",
"response": {
"no_name": "You must provide a name for the media that shall be deleted."
@ -1,66 +1,122 @@
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
const winston = require('winston'),
const winston = require('winston'),
DailyRotateFile = require('winston-daily-rotate-file'),
DailyRotateFile = require('winston-daily-rotate-file'),
args = require('args-parser')(process.argv),
args = require('args-parser')(process.argv);
fileLoggingFormat = winston.format.printf(info => {
return `${info.timestamp} ${info.level.toUpperCase()}: ${JSON.stringify(info.message)}`; // the logging format for files
* Set console format to simple string format
* @type {Format}
consoleLoggingFormat = winston.format.printf(info => {
return `${info.timestamp} {${info.label}} [${info.level}] ${JSON.stringify(info.message)}`; //the logging format for the console
const consoleLoggingFormat = winston.format.printf(info => {
return `${info.timestamp} {${info.module || info.m || 'DEFAULT'}} [${info.level}] ${JSON.stringify(info.message)}`; //the logging format for the console
* Set full format to combination of formats
* @type {Format}
const loggingFullFormat = winston.format.combine(
format: 'YY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS'
loggingFullFormat = winston.format.combine(
format: 'YY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS'
* Define all transports used.
* @type {any[]}
winston.format.label({label: ''}),
let transports = [
new winston.transports.Console({
let logger = winston.createLogger({
format: winston.format.combine(
level: winston.config.npm.levels, // logs with npm levels
format: loggingFullFormat,
transports: [
new winston.transports.Console({
format: 'YY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS'
format: winston.format.combine(
format: 'YY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS'
winston.format.label({label: ''}),
level: args.loglevel || 'info'
new winston.transports.File({
level: 'debug',
filename: './.log/latest.log',
options: {flags: 'w'} // overwrites the file on restart
new DailyRotateFile({
winston.format.label({label: ''}),
level: 'verbose',
filename: './.log/%DATE%.log',
datePattern: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
level: args.loglevel || 'info'
zippedArchive: true,
maxSize: '32m',
new winston.transports.File({
maxFiles: '30d',
level: 'debug',
json: true
filename: './.log/latest.log',
options: {flags: 'w'} // overwrites the file on restart
new DailyRotateFile({
level: 'verbose',
//class SpecialLogger extends winston.
filename: './.log/%DATE%.log',
datePattern: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
zippedArchive: true,
maxSize: '32m',
maxFiles: '30d',
json: true
* A function to return the logger that has been created after appending an exception handler
* Define the logger
* @returns {Object}
* @type {winston.Logger}
exports.getLogger = function () {
let logger = winston.createLogger({
level: winston.config.npm.levels,
new winston.transports.File({
format: loggingFullFormat,
filename: './.log/exceptions.log'
transports: transports
return logger;
// Define exception handling
new winston.transports.File({
filename: './.log/exceptions.log'
class ModuleLogger {
constructor(moduleInstance) {
this.logger = logger;
if (moduleInstance.constructor) {
switch ( {
case 'String':
this.logName = moduleInstance;
case 'Number':
this.logName = moduleInstance.toString();
this.logName =;
} else {
this.logName = moduleInstance.toString();
silly(msg, meta) {
logger.silly(msg, {m: this.logName, ...meta});
debug(msg, meta) {
logger.debug(msg, {m: this.logName, ...meta});
verbose(msg, meta) {
logger.verbose(msg, {m: this.logName, ...meta});
info(msg, meta) {
|, {m: this.logName, ...meta});
warn(msg, meta) {
logger.warn(msg, {m: this.logName, ...meta});
error(msg, meta) {
logger.error(msg, {m: this.logName, ...meta});
Object.assign(exports, {
logger: logger,
Logger: ModuleLogger
Reference in New Issue