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# aurara
# a messy mix of aura (dark, soft), noctis, and liberal use of helix's text styling
# Author : rahil/rathewolf <>
# aura ported by:
# Author: elainabialkowski
# aura originally by:
# Author: Dalton Menezes
# License: MIT
# noctis ported by:
# Author: 0rphee
# who used this template:
# noctis originally by:
# Author: Liviu Schera and contributors
# License: MIT
# maybe add a fallback for every table..?
# not happy with aura's orange, it's just too dim.. boring! is noctis's orange really that bright..?
2 months ago
# still not happy about aura's blue-green used for namespace, especially for rust.. desaturating didn't quite do it..
# could try other colors for operators, and even punctuation
# currently trying a dimmer shade of pink for variable.other.member, but there's too many keywords categorized in there..
2 months ago
# create a white-stone with a tinge of color for variable.other..?
# find out where the color for file picker is set, and try to dim it
# i tried searching the other configs in the repo to no avail, just found ui.picker.header
# oranger-brighter used for functions is slightly too bright, get a darker shade (using orange for now..)
# find a different color for built-in types, currently using aura's default green-sea
# blinking doesn't work with italics, another reason to not italicize comments
# can fetch syntax highlighting tests from here:
## GENERAL ==============================
'warning' = { fg ="orange-bright", modifiers = ["bold"] } # Editor warnings. TEMP/TEST/WARN
'error' = { fg = "red-error", modifiers = ["bold", "slow_blink"] } # Editor errors, like mis-typing a command. BUG ISSUE
# but not ERROR..?
'info' = { fg = "blue-aqua" } # Code diagnostic info in gutter (LSP). TODO/INFO
# def prefer noctis's blue-aqua over aura's here
2 months ago
'hint' = { fg = "cyan", modifiers = ["bold"] } # Code diagnostics hint in gutter (LSP).
# ? Difference between info and hint ?
'diagnostic' = { underline = { style = "line" } } # Code diagnostics in editing area (LSP).
'diagnostic.unnecessary' = { modifiers = ["dim"] } # took this from default theme
'diagnostic.deprecated' = { modifiers = ["crossed_out"] } # took this from default theme
'diagnostic.error' = { underline = { style = "curl", color = "red-error" }, modifiers = ["bold", "slow_blink", "dim"] }
2 months ago
'diagnostic.hint' = { underline = { style = "line", color = "cyan-bright" }, modifiers = ["bold", "dim", "slow_blink" ] }
'' = { underline = { style = "line", color = "blue-aqua" }, modifiers = ["bold", "dim", "slow_blink" ] }
# TODO: TEST: diagnostics, might need a new set of colors..! can use all neon colors here!!
# UI ==============================
# For styling helix itself.
'ui.background' = { fg = "purple-pleasant-dimmer", bg = "bg"} # Default background color., the fg seems to be used for borders..
'ui.window' = { fg = "gray-stone" } # Window border between splits.
# pruple also works really well here.. maybe more needed when there are no line numbers..
'ui.gutter' = { fg = "orange-bright" } # Left gutter for diagnostics and breakpoints.
'ui.text' = { fg = "purple-pleasant-dimmer" } # Default text color. used in text files, pickers, ui, and more!
'ui.text.focus' = { fg = "pink", bg = "selection-ui", modifiers = ["bold"] } # Selection highlight in buffer-picker or file-picker.
2 months ago
'' = { fg = "pink-dimmer", bg ="bg" } # Info popup contents (space mode menu).
# see for auto-complete
# NOTE: pink pops out more, making it better than the comfy purple-pleasant-dimmer here
'ui.text.inactive' = { fg = "gray-stone-lighter", modifiers = ["dim"] } # i think used in autocomplete suggestion..
# TODO: a little hard to see, but i like it better than white-stone and purple-darker..
'ui.cursor' = { fg = "light-green-complement", bg = "light-green", modifiers = ["reversed", "bold" ] } # Fallback cursor colour, non-primary cursors when there are multiple (shift-c).
# should be slightly darker than primary cursor..
'ui.cursor.primary' = { fg = "pink", bg = "light-green", modifiers = ["reversed", "bold"] } # The primary cursor when there are multiple (shift-c).
# TODO: NOTE: this blinking at a different timing then the selection's blink is too much!! lol, but i do prefer it to blink..
# 'ui.cursor.insert' = { fg = "pink", bg = "light-green", modifiers = ["reversed", "bold"] } # The cursor in insert mode (i).
# '' = { fg = "pink", bg = "light-green", modifiers = ["reversed", "bold"] } # The cursor in select mode (v).
2 months ago
'ui.cursor.match' = { fg = "cyan-bright", bg = "pink", modifiers = ["bold", "reversed", "slow_blink"] } # The matching parentheses of that under the cursor.
# NOTE: changed from purple, which was a bit tough to see..; rapid_blink was just too annoying..; light-green was too much, trying cyan..
'ui.selection' = { bg = "selection-ui", modifiers = [ "bold", "slow_blink" ] } # All currently selected text.
# TODO: decide purple-selection vs the neutral selection-ui: purple is easier to see immediately, but the neutral selection shows text more clearly / less muddy, and with the aid of blinking, it's pretty easy to see too
# 'ui.selection.primary' = { bg = "purple-selection" } # The primary selection when there are multiple.
# 'ui.cursorline.primary' = { bg = 'purple-selection' } #
# TODO: would need a very dim color, between selection-ui and background.. it could work of primary selection has a tinge of color to it (purple-selection), but without that, it would make it even harder to see the selection
# 'ui.highlight.frameline' = { bg = "selection-ui" } # hmmm, not sure..
'ui.linenr' = { fg = "purple-pleasant", modifiers = ["dim"]} # Line numbers.
'ui.linenr.selected' = { modifiers = [ "bold" ] } # Current line number.
'ui.virtual' = { fg = "purple-selection" } # Namespace for additions to the editing area.
'ui.virtual.ruler' = { bg = "selection-ui"} # Vertical rulers (colored columns in editing area).
# TODO: TEST: haven't seen these two yet..error
'ui.virtual.whitespace' = { fg = "gray-stone"} # Whitespace markers in editing area: newline..
'ui.virtual.indent-guide' = { fg = "marker13" } # Indentation guides.
# 'ui.bufferline' = { fg = "red-error"}
# '' = { underline = { style = "line" } }
# not so pretty.., and it extends past the text
# 'ui.bufferline.inactive' # doesn't work..
# using ui.statusline as fallback instead:
'ui.statusline' = { fg = "purple-pleasant", bg = "bg-ui", modifiers = ["dim"] } # Status line. and tab bar
# NOTE: matches line numbers
'ui.statusline.inactive' = { fg = "gray-stone", bg = "bg-ui", modifiers = [] } # Status line in unfocused windows.
# seems very dim.., likely inherited, but i don't know how to uninherit it.., i do prefer it to be different from the text used for comments though.. so it's not bad..
"ui.statusline.normal" = { fg = "purple-pleasant" }
"ui.statusline.insert" = { fg = "pink-salmon", modifiers = [] }
# matches return keyword
"" = { fg = "blue-aqua", modifiers = [] }
# seems dark, even without dim.. not sure how inheritance works here..
# slow_blink on insert/select was too annoying..
# using a colored background was also too annoying
2 months ago
'' = { bg = "bg", fg = "pink-dimmer"} # `:command` descriptions above the command line.
'ui.highlight' = { bg = "selection-ui", modifiers = ["slow_blink"] } # selected contents of symbol pickers (spc-s, spc-S) and current line in buffer picker (spc-b).
'' = { fg = "purple-pleasant", bg = "bg", modifiers = ["dim"] } # Autocomplete menu.
# a dim color that doesn't pop up makes sense here
# BUG: the dim modifier conflicts with the matching gold for the first line only
'' = { bg = "selection-ui", fg = "gold", modifiers = ["bold"] } # Selected autocomplete item.
# not a fan of slow_blink here..
# gold is fantastic for selected text and fuzzy matching
# 'ui.picker' = { fg = "purple" } # ope.. good guess..
"ui.picker.header" = { modifiers = ["bold"] } # TODO: TEST: i found this in another config, no clue yet..
'ui.popup' = { fg = "purple-pleasant-dimmer", bg = "bg" } # Documentation popups (space-k).
'' = { fg = "purple", bg = "bg" } # Info popups box (space mode menu). just the borders.
# gold is very pretty here.., but distracting.. purple creates a solid frame and feels out of the way..
# modifiers don't work here.. no shiny blinky stuff..; also dim doesn't work, so can't use purple-pleasant dimmed..
# "" = { }
# SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING ==============================
# All the keys here are Treesitter scopes.
'property' = { fg = "green-aqua" } # Regex group names.
# TODO: no clue.. never seen this.. just matching regex strings for now..
2 months ago
'special' = { fg = "gold", modifiers = ["bold"] } # Special symbols e.g `?` in Rust, `...` in Hare, also derive macro..?? BUG: also used for fuzzy search??
# rust's ? is usually squashed between punctuation ()?;
# gold is too bright, but fantastic for fuzzy search. pink-hotter works well for punctuation. gold also works well for the derive macro. it's also nice for it to just stick out, so as to indicate a syntax highlighting problem
'attribute' = { fg = "purple", modifiers = ["italic"] } # Class attributes, html tag attributes.
# italics makes sense for html tag attributes.. matching tag
'type' = { fg = "blue-aqua" } # Variable type, like integer or string, including program defined classes, structs etc..
# NOTE: sometimes there's class / end, which looks odd not bolded like other control/end statements
# doesn't seperate declaration, parameters, instantiation (though there is constructor), so it's difficult to italicize
'type.builtin' = { fg = "green-sea", modifiers = ["italic"] } # Primitive types of the language (string, int, float).
'type.enum.variant' = { fg = "green-sea" } # A variant of an enum.
# vs match constant color
# NOTE: i think was pink in aura theme.. but i def didn't like that for the enum values TODO: maybe white is fine
'constructor' = { fg = "blue-aqua" } # Constructor method for a class or struct. And in some cases applies to module names, as in ruby
# was blue-aqua in noctis, it's pink in vs-code's aura, along with static... TODO: maybe could try a new color here..
# ruby's class seems to use this.. maybe best to stick to using the same color as type.., but then __init__ uses this too..; also used upon constructor call! Ok(), Some() in rust
'constant' = { fg = "green-aqua" } # Constant value
# originally green in aura... and it seems a pretty good use of this green, as i don't use it for strings anymore..
2 months ago
# NOTE: if this is too dark, can use cyan or light-green, as there aren't too many of these..
# 'constant.builtin' = { fg = "blue-aqua" } # Special constants like `true`, `false`, `none`, etc.
# 'constant.builtin.boolean' = { } # True or False.
# 'constant.character' = { fg = "blue-aqua"} # Constant of character type.
# 'constant.character.escape' = { fg = "mid-green", modifiers = ["bold"] } # escape codes like \n.
# NOTE: matches regexp
2 months ago
# 'constant.numeric' = { fg = "blue-green", modifiers = ["bold"] } # constant integer or float value.
# 'constant.numeric.integer' = { } # constant integer value.
# 'constant.numeric.float' = { fg = "green-aqua" } # constant float value.
'string' = { fg = "purple-pleasant-dimmer" } # String literal.
# changed to use main text color (purple!) TODO: can decrease alpha more if needed
'string.regexp' = { fg = "green-aqua" } # Regular expression literal.
# NOTE: matches character escape
'string.special' = { fg = "purple-pleasant-dimmer", modifiers = ["italic"] } # Strings containing a path, URL, etc.
# could use something funky 'n dark here..
# i hate long underlined text!, so def don't want that..
# TODO: TEST: italics
# 'string.special.path' = { } # String containing a file path.
# 'string.special.url' = { } # String containing a web URL.
'string.special.symbol' = { fg = "berry-desaturated" } # Erlang/Elixir atoms, Ruby symbols, Clojure keywords.
2 months ago
# secondary text (pink) collides with punctuation :/, so now pink is used for variable.other
# perhaps it could be similar to the color used for constant/literals.. a kind of green..?
2 months ago
'comment' = { fg = "gray-stone-lighter", modifiers = ["dim"] } # This is a comment.
# TODO: dim and italics should be optional
# TODO: this is beautiful when it's dim, but with a transparent background, it can be tough to see..
# even purple-pleasant dimmed doesn't look bad..
# 'comment.line' = { } # Line comments, like this.
# 'comment.block' = { } # Block comments, like /* this */ in some languages.
'comment.block.documentation' = { fg = "gray-stone-lighter", modifiers = ["dim", "italic"] } # Doc comments, e.g '///' in rust.
# TODO: TEST: maybe okay to use italics here..
'variable' = { fg = "white-stone" } # Variable names.
# likely the most important word in the line, and therefore must be the most easily visible, yet comfortable
'variable.builtin' = { fg = "blue-aqua" } # Language reserved variables: `this`, `self`, `super`, etc.
# NOTE: matches class color
'variable.parameter' = { fg = "white-stone" } # Function parameters.
2 months ago
# TODO: this would be really useful to differentiate.. white-sea-tinged isn't too bad.. italic is too anooying
'variable.function' = { fg = "orange" } # ? ruby-like everything is an object..?
'variable.other' = { fg = "white-stone" } # from aura..
# fallback
'variable.other.member' = { fg = "pink-dimmer" } # Fields of composite data types (e.g. structs, unions)., @callback in elixir, serialized data fields (like this config file..)
# TODO: decide white-stone vs pink vs another color, and remember to turn down punctuation down a notch in hotness; would be nice to create a slightly tinged color, like noctis's white-sea-tinge
'label' = { fg = "purple" } # Loop labels in rust.
2 months ago
'punctuation' = { fg = "pink-dimmer", modifiers = ["bold"] } # (){}[]:;,.
# NOTE: the bolded gold from noctic is really, really nice, but it collides with the orange-brighter color; also, bolded white is too much white, should save white just for variables only
'punctuation.delimiter' = { fg = "pink-hot", modifiers = ["bold"] } # Commas and colons.
# pink-hotter is slightly too annoying..
2 months ago
'punctuation.bracket' = { fg = "pink-dimmer", modifiers = ["bold"] } # Parentheses, angle brackets, etc.
'punctuation.special' = { fg = "orange-bright", modifiers = ["bold"] } # no clue..
2 months ago
# use gold to make it stick out a little..
2 months ago
'keyword' = { fg = "purple" } # Language reserved keywords. var, void, let
'keyword.control' = { fg = "purple", modifiers = ["bold"] } # Control keywords.
# NOTE: bold makes it slightly brighter too
'keyword.control.conditional' = { fg = "purple", modifiers = ["bold"] } # 'if', 'else', 'elif'.
# TODO: could use a cascading shades of purple here, between purple and purple-darker of operator, darkest on the outside, yet it's also nice to have it consistent..
# 'keyword.control.repeat' = { } # 'for', 'while', 'loop'.
'keyword.control.import' = { fg = "purple", modifiers = ["italic"] } # 'import', 'export', 'use', 'mod'
# use crate::blah blah conflicts, crate is the same color..
'keyword.control.return' = { fg = "pink-salmon", modifiers = ["italic"] } # 'return' in most languages.
# NOTE: tried red-error, but it's so ugly!!.. :/ but could use it's own color.. stole noctis's pink-salmon here.. bold is really nice too, more pink-salmony, but it eventually bugged me..; italics makes it feel like it's *pressed* in
'keyword.control.exception' = { fg = "pink-salmon", modifiers = ["italic"] } # 'raise' in python.
'keyword.operator' = { fg = "purple", modifiers = ["bold"] } # 'or', 'and', 'in'.
# TODO: doesn't look like it's working..??
'keyword.directive' = { fg = "purple", modifiers = ["italic"] } # Preprocessor directives (#if, #include in C).
'keyword.function' = { fg = "purple", modifiers = ["bold"] } # The keyword to define a funtion: 'def', 'fun', 'fn'.
'' = { fg = "purple" } # let and var in rust.. these should be more visible..
'' = { fg = "purple-dimmer", modifiers = ["italic"] } # function and type modifiers/accessors: public/private, mut, dyn, ref, &, internal, readonly, const, etc.
# these should be less visible
# bold makes sense here for C#, as it's usually the start of a function, but not so much for rust..
2 months ago
# currently using the same purple as operators.. which isn't too bad though, as it keeps a consistent scheme.. and it doesn't conflict with anything either. it's also good as a fallback for 'end', as that sometimes doesn't highlight properly..
'' = { fg = "green-sea", modifiers = ["italic"] } # class, struct, enum, namespace, sometimes var? (for javascript but not rust)
# matches type.builtin
'operator' = { fg = "purple", modifiers = ["bold"] } # Logical (&&, ||) and - I assume - Mathematical (+, %) operators
# top three are ordered from brightest to darkest
2 months ago
# also used in markup headings
'function' = { fg = "orange"}
# TODO: orange-brighter is too bright.. :/ but much of the beauty of the theme comes from this color... just need to get a notch lower..
'function.method' = { fg = "orange" } # Class / Struct methods.
'function.builtin' = { fg = "orange-desaturated" }
2 months ago
'function.macro' = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["italic"] } # Like macros in rust.
# italics works well here.. as does the magical gold of macros, as does orange-pumpkin
'function.special' = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["italic"] } # Preprocessor in C.
'tag' = { fg = "purple-darker", modifiers = ["italic"] } # As in <body> for html.
# must be darker then the default text, and attribute
2 months ago
'namespace' = { fg = "blue-green" } # * Namespace keyword in java, C#, etc.
# namespace::function, namespace::class, package main, *types.Tuple
# requires a seperate color
2 months ago
# TODO: this nasty blue-green accurately matches how i feel about namespace syntax..: *barf*.. pink-hotter is interesting... really changes things up!.. but i still prefer something similar to blue for logical reasoning
# for -dima long time i was using italics here, but then discovered it was part of its ugliness! now it's actualltolerabl
# pumpkin==============================
# Colors for markup languages, like Markdown or XML. also affects comments!!
# a little different from code since it's so simple, using a simple two color scheme: purple 'n gold
# NOTE: it inherits the main text color from ui.text, and punctuation too
markup = "purple-pleasant-dimmer" # fallback
'markup.bold' = { fg = "orange-bright" } # Bold text.
# bold text isn't so easy to read.. but purple bold works pretty well alongside purple-pleasant
# this orange is surprisingly dim! not bad at all, and keeps a consistent two-color theme. though, orange-brighter is far more beautiful, but perhaps too bright..
'markup.italic' = { modifiers = ["italic"] } # Italicised text.
"markup.strikethrough" = { modifiers = ["crossed_out"] }
'markup.heading' = { fg = "orange-bright", modifiers = ["bold"] } # Markdown headings
# NOTE: underline didn't bold, and looked wayyy too thin compared to the bold font..
# underline = { style = "curl", modifiers = ["bold"] }
'markup.heading.1' = { fg = "orange-bright", modifiers = ["bold"] }
2 months ago
'markup.heading.2' = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["bold"] }
'markup.heading.3' = { fg = "orange-desaturated", modifiers = ["bold"] }
'markup.heading.4' = { fg = "orange-bright" }
2 months ago
'markup.heading.5' = { fg = "orange" }
'markup.heading.6' = { fg = "orange-desaturated" }
'markup.heading.marker' = { fg = "orange-brighter" } # Hashtag color on Markdown headings.
'markup.list' = { fg = "orange-bright", modifiers = ["bold"] }
# the bullet symbols are like shiny jewelry in the sea :)
'markup.list.numbered' = { fg = "orange-bright" } # Numbered list.
# 'markup.list.unnumbered' = { } # Bullet point list.
'' = { fg = "gray-stone" }
# different color is annoying in comments
# seems to underline only when highlighted, which is great!!
'' = { fg = "gray-stone"} # Urls pointed to by links.
'' = { fg = "gray-stone" } # Non-URL link references.
'' = { fg = "purple-pleasant-dimmer"} # URL and image descriptions in links.
2 months ago
'markup.quote' = { fg = "pink-dimmer", modifiers = ["italic"] } # `> Quotes` in Markdown.
# Markup - Interface ==============================
# "These scopes are used for theming the editor interface."
# TODO: ??
'markup.normal' = { }
'markup.normal.completion' = { } # For completion doc popup ui.
'markup.normal.raw' = { } # For hover popup ui.
'markup.heading.completion' = { } # Headings for completion doc popup ui.
'markup.heading.raw' = { } # Headings for hover popup ui.
'markup.raw' = { } # Code block in Markdown.
'markup.raw.block' = { } # Multiline (```) codeblock in Markdown.
'markup.raw.inline' = { } # `Inline code block` in Markdown.
'markup.raw.inline.completion' = { } # ?
'markup.raw.inline.hover' = { } # ?
# Diff ==============================
# Version control changes.
'' = "green-aqua" # { } # Additions.
'diff.minus' = "red-error" # { } # Deletions.
'' = "orange" # { } # Modifications.
'' = "green-sea" # Renamed or moved files / changes.
[palette] # Define your custom colors here.
# NOTE: there are 16 colors in the palette by default, these will override any that have the same name
# noctis
# dark-green = "#00262a" # backgrounds
# mid-green = "#073a40" # highlights
# autocomp-green = "#0d6772" # lighter than mid-green
# these three were used for backgrounds
light-green = "#48e9a7" # a nice sea green, bright neon when bolded, like the displays of deep sea instruments, was "green", re-used for text under the cursor
pink-salmon = "#df769b" # re-used for return, was "pink", it's perfect! :D use sparingly as i really don't like themes with lots of red in it, only returns and maybe exceptions
gold = "#ffd800" # a nice, shiny bolded gold used for punctuation, was "yellow", ..maybe was also used for it's variable text..?
purple-darker = "#6f60ea" # this purple is slightly darker than aura's, used for cascading keywords, but seems to match vs-code's aura better??
white-sea-tinged = "#b1cace" # has a tinge of green in it.., pleasant tho
orange-bright = "#e4b782" # looks fantastic in noctis, fit for the sea theme, like a clown-fish, but too bright :(
green-dark = "#5b858b" # mainly for comments/background text, was "gray"
red = "#e34e1b"
2 months ago
blue-green = "#19a2b7" # TODO: quite hideous toxic aqua green... currently using for namespaces, as i don't have anymore colors.. just feels too saturated. it's closest to tokyonight's aqua, but dimmer
# blue-green-desaturated = "#3B94A3" # hmmm, maybe desaturate isn't the answer.. just dims it.., but it's not a bad idea either..
# blue-green = "#2C98BF" blue-green, with slightly lower hue, more greener
# blue-deep = "#3B8CFF" # a sort of standard blue, underwater deep blue, not bad for builtin types.. gives a different vibe..
cyan-bright = "#87efff" # a tad too bright.. just used for cursor match
# aura dark soft/dim
purple = "#8464c6"
2 months ago
purple-dimmer = "#7B57C2" # increased saturation??
purple-selection = "#3d375e7f"
purple-selection-solid = "#29263c"
2 months ago
blue-aqua = "#47ace8" # currently used for types, a pretty standard blue for classes..
green-aqua = "#54c59f" # used for constants/literals, not the prettiest, but it fits the aqua sea feelin' of the overall theme.. maybe can try bogster's green
orange = "#c7a06f" # used for functions, but feels too boring.. :(
orange-desaturated = "#C7B693"
pink = "#c17ac8" # great, comfy pink for pop-up-menu ui text, TODO: shuold be second main text color, but using it for punctuation t the moment..
# pink-lighter = "#cb90d1" # 1/7th shade lighter (whiter)
# white-stone-pink = "#BEA7C1" # somewhere between white-stone and pink; meh... pink is just more clearly visible than the colors between..
# pink-brighter = "#DE95E5"
pink-dimmer = "#B56EBC" # slightly desaturated, used for fields/methods and elixir's @thing
# fuschia = "#A955B2" # TODO: an interesting one to use..
2 months ago
# pink-even-dimmer = "#8C5C90" # used for pop-up menus, similar to pink with dim modifier.. too dim, not even pink anymore! more like magenta.. but very comfy to read!
pink-hot = "#cc6cd6" # +25% saturation, nice 'n slight! for delimiters via gradient
pink-hotter = "#d85ee3" # +50% saturation, for "special" symbols
green-sea = "#6cb2c7" # builtin type, a bit funky but very much readable
red-error = "#c55858" # error, looks great when blinking, like red flashing like underwater!
white-stone = "#bdbdbd" # variable, has a dim tinge of dirty stone to it
2 months ago
# white-stone-yellow-tinge = "#BAB195" # just added a little saturation, but it feels less readable :/
gray-stone = "#6d6d6d" # comment, similar to white, but desaturated/grayed out, now a sort of dirty blonde; i didn't like it at first, but then became amazing once dimmed!!
2 months ago
# gray-stone-dimmed = "#6d6d6d80" # 80 = 50%, 40 = 25%
gray-stone-lighter = "#7d7d7d" # used for comments with the dim modifier; 9d9d9d dimmed seems slightly brighter than gray-stone undimmed.. 7d7d7d is out of the way, 858585 forces eyes to read it, vs 8d8d8d?
# TODO: alpha doesn't seem to affect these, only dim works..
bg = "#15141b" # was "black"
orange-brighter = "#ffca85" # brighter than noctis's orange
purple-pleasant = "#a394f033" # great comfy purp for ui, should be main color, used for text (in .txt files) and strings and ui, was accent17
# NOTE: still use this with dim modifer to make a color even dimmer than purple-pleasant-dimmer
purple-pleasant-dimmer = "#9889E4" # switch to using this as main text.. along with pink-dimmer
# aura colors shared between variations
# text10 = "#adacae" # TODO: try it
bg-ui = "#1f1a27" # soft dark, used in ui background, status line, tab bar, seems similar to purple-selection, was accent24
# somewhere hidden in aura
selection-ui = "#2e2b38" # no purple tinge, more closer to gray-stone, was accent33
marker13 = "#2d2d2d" # a barely visible gray
# others scraped from aura
2 months ago
cyan = "#82e2ff" # seems like noctis's cyan.. also sticks out too much..
# purple14 = "#af8aff7f" # light purple TODO: try it
# purple-pleasant-opaque = "#a394f000" # purple-pleasant with 00 alpha (opaque?), was accent18
# NOTE: doesn't seem to make a difference..
# new colors
light-green-complement = "#e9488a" # initially used to create a high-contrast color for match surrounding pairs but it was too fugly to use as a cursor.. pink is better. currently using for secondary cursors as it's darker than the primary cursor's pink
# from boo berry
berry-desaturated = "#886C9C" # originally used for comments, but didn't quite work.. maybe because boo berry has a background color..; didn't quite work for keywords either, as it was too dim and didn't match the rest of the scheme, like dirty blood.. worth keeping! currently using for atoms, which isn't bad!..
# from tokyonight
# orange-pumpkin = "#ff9e64" # orange from tokyonight, too bright but really orange! looks okay with dim modifier..
# orange-tokyonight = "#e0af68" # yellow from tokyonight, similar to orange from noctis
2 months ago
# TODO: "shades of purple" theme has an actual orangey orange, a nice fuschia/deep purple, a good red, and a cyan that isn't too bright
# TODO: try checking out noctis variants minimus and uva
# this site seems fine for buildings shades of a color..
# this site seems fun too..