# currently trying a dimmer shade of pink for variable-other and ui-popup menus, but there's too many keywords categorized in there..
# still not happy about blue-green used for namespace, especially for rust..
# currently trying a dimmer shade for keyword.storage.modifier..
# currently trying a dimmer shade of pink for variable-other, but there's too many keywords categorized in there..
# create a white-stone with a tinge of color for variable.other..?
# find out where the color for file picker is set, and try to dim it
# find out where the color for file picker is set, and try to dim it
# i tried searching the other configs in the repo to no avail, just found ui.picker.header
# i tried searching the other configs in the repo to no avail, just found ui.picker.header
# oranger-brighter used for functions is slightly too bright, get a darker shade (using orange for now..)
# oranger-brighter used for functions is slightly too bright, get a darker shade (using orange for now..)
# create a white-stone with a tinge of color for variable.other
# find a different color for built-in types, currently using aura's default green-sea
# find a different color for built-in types, currently using aura's default green-sea
# figure out how to get alpha workin'..
# how does this differ from saturation?
# get a different shade or color for var/let/mut general keywords?..
# currently using the same purple as operators.. which isn't too bad though, as it keeps a consistent scheme.. and it doesn't conflict with anything either. it's also good as a fallback for 'end', as that sometimes doesn't highlight properly..
# also, when it's bolded, it becomes a different shade of purple, a brighter one, which is exactly what i wanted
# struct counts as a keyword, not a type, which can be confusing.. maybe there's more keyword properties..??
# struct counts as a keyword, not a type, which can be confusing.. maybe there's more keyword properties..??
@ -47,14 +42,14 @@
# but not ERROR..?
# but not ERROR..?
'info'={fg="blue-aqua"}# Code diagnostic info in gutter (LSP). TODO/INFO
'info'={fg="blue-aqua"}# Code diagnostic info in gutter (LSP). TODO/INFO
# def prefer noctis's blue-aqua over aura's here
# def prefer noctis's blue-aqua over aura's here
'hint'={fg="cyan",modifiers=["bold", "dim"] }# Code diagnostics hint in gutter (LSP).
'hint'={fg="cyan",modifiers=["bold"] }# Code diagnostics hint in gutter (LSP).
# ? Difference between info and hint ?
# ? Difference between info and hint ?
'diagnostic'={underline={style="line"}}# Code diagnostics in editing area (LSP).
'diagnostic'={underline={style="line"}}# Code diagnostics in editing area (LSP).
'diagnostic.unnecessary'={modifiers=["dim"]}# took this from default theme
'diagnostic.unnecessary'={modifiers=["dim"]}# took this from default theme
'diagnostic.deprecated'={modifiers=["crossed_out"]}# took this from default theme
'diagnostic.deprecated'={modifiers=["crossed_out"]}# took this from default theme
'ui.cursor.match'={fg="cyan",bg="pink",modifiers=["bold","reversed","slow_blink"]}# The matching parentheses of that under the cursor.
'ui.cursor.match'={fg="cyan-bright",bg="pink",modifiers=["bold","reversed","slow_blink"]}# The matching parentheses of that under the cursor.
# NOTE: changed from purple, which was a bit tough to see..; rapid_blink was just too annoying..; light-green was too much, trying cyan..
# NOTE: changed from purple, which was a bit tough to see..; rapid_blink was just too annoying..; light-green was too much, trying cyan..
'ui.selection'={bg="selection-ui",modifiers=["bold","slow_blink"]}# All currently selected text.
'ui.selection'={bg="selection-ui",modifiers=["bold","slow_blink"]}# All currently selected text.
@ -145,10 +140,9 @@
'property'={fg="green-aqua"}# Regex group names.
'property'={fg="green-aqua"}# Regex group names.
# TODO: no clue.. never seen this.. just matching regex strings for now..
# TODO: no clue.. never seen this.. just matching regex strings for now..
'special'={fg="gold",modifiers=["bold"]}# Special symbols e.g `?` in Rust, `...` in Hare, derive macro in rust?.. TODO: it seems to be used for the fuzzy-matching in pickers..
'special'={fg="gold",modifiers=["bold"]}# Special symbols e.g `?` in Rust, `...` in Hare, also derive macro..?? BUG: also used for fuzzy search??
# gold looks incredible for fuzzy-matching
# rust's ? is usually squashed between punctuation ()?;
# it's usually squashed between punctuation ()?; pink-hotter works well for this case..
# gold is too bright, but fantastic for fuzzy search. pink-hotter works well for punctuation. gold also works well for the derive macro. it's also nice for it to just stick out, so as to indicate a syntax highlighting problem
# pink-hotter vs orange-brighter or another color?..
'attribute'={fg="purple",modifiers=["italic"]}# Class attributes, html tag attributes.
'attribute'={fg="purple",modifiers=["italic"]}# Class attributes, html tag attributes.
# italics makes sense for html tag attributes.. matching tag
# italics makes sense for html tag attributes.. matching tag
@ -156,7 +150,6 @@
# NOTE: sometimes there's class / end, which looks odd not bolded like other control/end statements
# NOTE: sometimes there's class / end, which looks odd not bolded like other control/end statements
# doesn't seperate declaration, parameters, instantiation (though there is constructor), so it's difficult to italicize
# doesn't seperate declaration, parameters, instantiation (though there is constructor), so it's difficult to italicize
'type.builtin'={fg="green-sea",modifiers=["italic"]}# Primitive types of the language (string, int, float).
'type.builtin'={fg="green-sea",modifiers=["italic"]}# Primitive types of the language (string, int, float).
# blue-dark was just too ugly.. this is still a funky sea green.. TODO: this is still a funky sea green..
'type.enum.variant'={fg="green-sea"}# A variant of an enum.
'type.enum.variant'={fg="green-sea"}# A variant of an enum.
# vs match constant color
# vs match constant color
# NOTE: i think was pink in aura theme.. but i def didn't like that for the enum values TODO: maybe white is fine
# NOTE: i think was pink in aura theme.. but i def didn't like that for the enum values TODO: maybe white is fine
@ -167,13 +160,13 @@
'constant'={fg="green-aqua"}# Constant value
'constant'={fg="green-aqua"}# Constant value
# originally green in aura... and it seems a pretty good use of this green, as i don't use it for strings anymore..
# originally green in aura... and it seems a pretty good use of this green, as i don't use it for strings anymore..
# NOTE: if this is too dark, can use light-green, as there aren't too many of these..
# NOTE: if this is too dark, can use cyan or light-green, as there aren't too many of these..
# 'constant.builtin' = { fg = "blue-aqua" } # Special constants like `true`, `false`, `none`, etc.
# 'constant.builtin' = { fg = "blue-aqua" } # Special constants like `true`, `false`, `none`, etc.
# 'constant.builtin.boolean' = { } # True or False.
# 'constant.builtin.boolean' = { } # True or False.
# 'constant.character' = { fg = "blue-aqua"} # Constant of character type.
# 'constant.character' = { fg = "blue-aqua"} # Constant of character type.
# secondary text (pink) collides with punctuation :/
# secondary text (pink) collides with punctuation :/, so now pink is used for variable.other
# perhaps it could be similar to the color used for constant/literals.. a kind of green..?
'comment'={fg="gray-stone-lighter",modifiers=["dim"]}# This is a comment.
'comment'={fg="gray-stone-lighter",modifiers=["dim"]}# This is a comment.
# TODO: dim and italics should be optional
# TODO: dim and italics should be optional
@ -204,7 +198,7 @@
'variable.builtin'={fg="blue-aqua"}# Language reserved variables: `this`, `self`, `super`, etc.
'variable.builtin'={fg="blue-aqua"}# Language reserved variables: `this`, `self`, `super`, etc.
# NOTE: matches class color
# NOTE: matches class color
'variable.parameter'={fg="white-stone"}# Function parameters.
'variable.parameter'={fg="white-stone"}# Function parameters.
# TODO: this would be really useful to differentiate.. white-sea-tinged isn't too bad..
# TODO: this would be really useful to differentiate.. white-sea-tinged isn't too bad.. italic is too anooying
'variable.function'={fg="orange"}# ? ruby-like everything is an object..?
'variable.function'={fg="orange"}# ? ruby-like everything is an object..?
'variable.other'={fg="white-stone"}# from aura..
'variable.other'={fg="white-stone"}# from aura..
# fallback
# fallback
@ -219,15 +213,16 @@
# pink-hotter is slightly too annoying..
# pink-hotter is slightly too annoying..
'punctuation.bracket'={fg="pink",modifiers=["bold"]}# Parentheses, angle brackets, etc.
'punctuation.bracket'={fg="pink",modifiers=["bold"]}# Parentheses, angle brackets, etc.
'punctuation.special'={fg="gold",modifiers=["bold"]}# no clue..
'punctuation.special'={fg="gold",modifiers=["bold"]}# no clue..
# use gold to make it stick out a little..
'keyword'={fg="purple"}# Language reserved keywords. var, void, struct, let, mut, was accent18 TODO: try it
'keyword'={fg="purple"}# Language reserved keywords. var, void, let
# TODO: could use another color here.. something that doesn't stick out.. snazzy's yellow is too bright (and dim too dim), maybe a purple-dark with less alpha..?
'keyword.control'={fg="purple",modifiers=["bold"]}# Control keywords.
'keyword.control'={fg="purple",modifiers=["bold"]}# Control keywords.
# TODO: could use a cascading shades of purple here, between purple and purple-darker of operator, darkest on the outside, yet it's also nice to have it consistent..
# TODO: could use a cascading shades of purple here, between purple and purple-darker of operator, darkest on the outside, yet it's also nice to have it consistent..
'keyword.control.return'={fg="pink-salmon",modifiers=["italic"]}# 'return' in most languages.
'keyword.control.return'={fg="pink-salmon",modifiers=["italic"]}# 'return' in most languages.
# NOTE: tried red-error, but it's so ugly!!.. :/ but could use it's own color.. stole noctis's pink-salmon here.. bold is really nice too, more pink-salmony, but it eventually bugged me..; italics makes it feel like it's *pressed* in
# NOTE: tried red-error, but it's so ugly!!.. :/ but could use it's own color.. stole noctis's pink-salmon here.. bold is really nice too, more pink-salmony, but it eventually bugged me..; italics makes it feel like it's *pressed* in
'keyword.control.exception'={fg="pink-salmon",modifiers=["italic"]}# 'raise' in python.
'keyword.control.exception'={fg="pink-salmon",modifiers=["italic"]}# 'raise' in python.
@ -239,6 +234,7 @@
'keyword.storage.modifier'={fg="purple-dimmer",modifiers=["italic"]}# function and type modifiers/accessors: public/private, mut, dyn, ref, &, internal, readonly, const, etc.
'keyword.storage.modifier'={fg="purple-dimmer",modifiers=["italic"]}# function and type modifiers/accessors: public/private, mut, dyn, ref, &, internal, readonly, const, etc.
# these should be less visible
# these should be less visible
# bold makes sense here for C#, as it's usually the start of a function, but not so much for rust..
# bold makes sense here for C#, as it's usually the start of a function, but not so much for rust..
# currently using the same purple as operators.. which isn't too bad though, as it keeps a consistent scheme.. and it doesn't conflict with anything either. it's also good as a fallback for 'end', as that sometimes doesn't highlight properly..
'keyword.storage.type'={fg="green-sea",modifiers=["italic"]}# class, struct, enum, namespace, sometimes var? (for javascript but not rust)
'keyword.storage.type'={fg="green-sea",modifiers=["italic"]}# class, struct, enum, namespace, sometimes var? (for javascript but not rust)
# matches type.builtin
# matches type.builtin
@ -246,23 +242,22 @@
'operator'={fg="purple-darker",modifiers=["bold"]}# Logical (&&, ||) and - I assume - Mathematical (+, %) operators
'operator'={fg="purple-darker",modifiers=["bold"]}# Logical (&&, ||) and - I assume - Mathematical (+, %) operators
# top three are ordered from brightest to darkest
# top three are ordered from brightest to darkest
# also used in markup headings
# TODO: orange-brighter is too bright.. :/ but much of the beauty of the theme comes from this color... just need to get a notch lower..
# TODO: orange-brighter is too bright.. :/ but much of the beauty of the theme comes from this color... just need to get a notch lower..
'function.method'={fg="orange" }# Class / Struct methods.
'function.method'={fg="orange-dimmer" }# Class / Struct methods.
# TODO: TEST: gold-dim and orange-warning TODO: try minimus's yellow-orange
'function.macro'={fg="orange",modifiers=["italic"]}# Like macros in rust.
'function.macro'={fg="gold",modifiers=["italic"]}# Like macros in rust.
# italics works well here.. as does the magical gold of macros, as does orange-pumpkin
# italics here makes sense.. as does the magical gold of macros
'function.special'={fg="orange",modifiers=["italic"]}# Preprocessor in C.
'function.special'={fg="orange-brighter",modifiers=["italic"]}# Preprocessor in C.
# package, import
'tag'={fg="purple-darker",modifiers=["italic"]}# As in <body> for html.
'tag'={fg="purple-darker",modifiers=["italic"]}# As in <body> for html.
# must be darker then the default text, and attribute
# must be darker then the default text, and attribute
'namespace'={fg="blue-dark" }# * Namespace keyword in java, C#, etc.
'namespace'={fg="blue-green" }# * Namespace keyword in java, C#, etc.
# TODO: this nasty blue-dark accurately matches how i feel about namespace syntax..: *barf*.. pink-hotter is interesting... really changes things up!.. but i still prefer something similar to blue for logical reasoning
# TODO: this nasty blue-green accurately matches how i feel about namespace syntax..: *barf*.. pink-hotter is interesting... really changes things up!.. but i still prefer something similar to blue for logical reasoning
# for a long time i was using italics here, but then discovered it was part of its ugliness! now it's actually tolerable..!
# for a long time i was using italics here, but then discovered it was part of its ugliness! now it's actually tolerable..!
# Markup ==============================
# Markup ==============================
@ -347,19 +342,24 @@ gold = "#ffd800" # a nice, shiny bolded gold used for punctuation, was "yellow",
purple-darker="#6f60ea"# this purple is slightly darker than aura's, used for cascading keywords, but seems to match vs-code's aura better??
purple-darker="#6f60ea"# this purple is slightly darker than aura's, used for cascading keywords, but seems to match vs-code's aura better??
white-sea-tinged="#b1cace"# has a tinge of green in it.., pleasant tho
white-sea-tinged="#b1cace"# has a tinge of green in it.., pleasant tho
orange="#e4b782"# looks fantastic in noctics, fit for the sea theme, like a clown-fish, using it for functions
orange="#e4b782"# looks fantastic in noctics, fit for the sea theme, like a clown-fish, using it for functions
# orange-pumpkin = "#ff9e64" # orange from tokyonight, too bright but really orange!
orange-dimmer="#e0af68"# yellow from tokyonight
green-dark="#5b858b"# mainly for comments/background text, was "gray"
green-dark="#5b858b"# mainly for comments/background text, was "gray"
blue-dark="#19a2b7"# TODO: quite hideous toxic aqua green... currently using for namespaces, as i don't have anymore colors..
blue-green="#19a2b7"# TODO: quite hideous toxic aqua green... currently using for namespaces, as i don't have anymore colors.. just feels too saturated. it's closest to tokyonight's aqua, but dimmer
blue-aqua="#47ace8"# currently used for types, a pretty standard blue for classes..
# blue-green-desaturated = "#3B94A3" # hmmm, maybe desaturate isn't the answer.. just dims it.., but it's not a bad idea either..
cyan="#87efff"# a tadtoo bright..
# blue-green = "#2C98BF" blue-green, with slightly lower hue, more greener
# blue-deep = "#3B8CFF" # a sort of standard blue, underwater deep blue, not bad for builtin types.. gives a different vibe..
cyan-bright="#87efff"# a tad too bright.. just used for cursor match
# aura dark soft/dim
# aura dark soft/dim
purple-dimmer="#705AA2" # via radix.ui.com
purple-dimmer="#7B57C2" # increased saturation??
blue-aqua="#47ace8"# currently used for types, a pretty standard blue for classes..
green-aqua="#54c59f"# used for constants/literals, not the prettiest, but it fits the aqua sea feelin' of the overall theme.. maybe can try bogster's green
green-aqua="#54c59f"# used for constants/literals, not the prettiest, but it fits the aqua sea feelin' of the overall theme.. maybe can try bogster's green
orange-warning="#c7a06f"# warning, like a dim hazard sign
orange-warning="#c7a06f"# warning, like a dim hazard sign
pink="#c17ac8"# great, comfy pink for pop-up-menu ui text, TODO: shuold be second main text color, but using it for punctuation at the moment..
pink="#c17ac8"# great, comfy pink for pop-up-menu ui text, TODO: shuold be second main text color, but using it for punctuation at the moment..
green-sea="#6cb2c7"# builtin type, a bit funky but very much readable
green-sea="#6cb2c7"# builtin type, a bit funky but very much readable
red-error="#c55858"# error, looks great when blinking, like red flashing like underwater!
red-error="#c55858"# error, looks great when blinking, like red flashing like underwater!
white-stone="#bdbdbd"# variable, has a dim tinge of dirty stone to it
white-stone="#bdbdbd"# variable, has a dim tinge of dirty stone to it
# white-stone-yellow-tinge = "#BAB195" # just added a little saturation, but it feels less readable :/
gray-stone="#6d6d6d"# comment, similar to white, but desaturated/grayed out, now a sort of dirty blonde; i didn't like it at first, but then became amazing once dimmed!!
gray-stone="#6d6d6d"# comment, similar to white, but desaturated/grayed out, now a sort of dirty blonde; i didn't like it at first, but then became amazing once dimmed!!
gray-stone-lighter="#7d7d7d"# used for comments with the dim modifier; 9d9d9d dimmed seems slightly brighter than gray-stone undimmed.. 7d7d7d is out of the way, 858585 forces eyes to read it, vs 8d8d8d?
gray-stone-lighter="#7d7d7d"# used for comments with the dim modifier; 9d9d9d dimmed seems slightly brighter than gray-stone undimmed.. 7d7d7d is out of the way, 858585 forces eyes to read it, vs 8d8d8d?
@ -394,7 +395,7 @@ selection-ui = "#2e2b38" # no purple tinge, more closer to gray-stone, was accen
marker13="#2d2d2d"# a barely visible gray
marker13="#2d2d2d"# a barely visible gray
# others scraped from aura
# others scraped from aura
# cyan-aura = "#82e2ff" # seems like noctis's cyan.. also sticks out too much..
cyan="#82e2ff"# seems like noctis's cyan.. also sticks out too much..
# purple14 = "#af8aff7f" # light purple TODO: try it
# purple14 = "#af8aff7f" # light purple TODO: try it
# purple-pleasant-opaque = "#a394f000" # purple-pleasant with 00 alpha (opaque?), was accent18
# purple-pleasant-opaque = "#a394f000" # purple-pleasant with 00 alpha (opaque?), was accent18