# the orange used for functions is slightly too bright, get a darker shade
# currently trying a dimmer shade of pink for variable-other, but there's too many keywords categorized in there..
# currently trying a dimmer shade for keyword.storage.modifier..
# find out where the color for file picker is set, and try to dim it
# i tried searching the other configs in the repo to no avail, just found ui.picker.header
# oranger-brighter used for functions is slightly too bright, get a darker shade (using orange for now..)
# create a white-stone with a tinge of color for variable.other
# create a white-stone with a tinge of color for variable.other
# find a different color for built-in types, currently using aura's default green-sea
# find a different color for built-in types, currently using aura's default green-sea
# keyword.storage has wayyyy too many keywords categorized in there.. surely theres some sub-categories in there..
# figure out how to get alpha workin'..
# figure out how to get alpha workin'..
# how does this differ from saturation?
# how does this differ from saturation?
# get a different shade or color for var/let/mut general keywords?..
# get a different shade or color for var/let/mut general keywords?..
@ -58,15 +61,17 @@
# UI ==============================
# UI ==============================
# For styling helix itself.
# For styling helix itself.
'ui.background'={fg="purple-pleasant",bg="bg"}# Default background color., the fg seems to be used for borders..
'ui.background'={fg="purple-pleasant-dimmer",bg="bg"}# Default background color., the fg seems to be used for borders..
'ui.window'={fg="purple-pleasant"}# Window border between splits.
'ui.window'={fg="gray-stone"}# Window border between splits.
# pruple also works really well here.. maybe more needed when there are no line numbers..
'ui.gutter'={fg="orange-warning"}# Left gutter for diagnostics and breakpoints.
'ui.gutter'={fg="orange-warning"}# Left gutter for diagnostics and breakpoints.
'ui.text'={fg="purple-pleasant" }# Default text color. used in text files, pickers, ui, and more!
'ui.text'={fg="purple-pleasant-dimmer" }# Default text color. used in text files, pickers, ui, and more!
'ui.text.focus'={fg="pink",bg="selection-ui",modifiers=["bold"]}# Selection highlight in buffer-picker or file-picker.
'ui.text.focus'={fg="pink",bg="selection-ui",modifiers=["bold"]}# Selection highlight in buffer-picker or file-picker.
'ui.text.info'={fg="pink",bg="bg"}# Info popup contents (space mode menu).
'ui.text.info'={fg="pink-even-dimmer",bg="bg"}# Info popup contents (space mode menu).
# NOTE: pink pops out, making it better than the comfy purple-pleasant here
# see ui.menu for auto-complete
# NOTE: pink pops out more, making it better than the comfy purple-pleasant-dimmer here
'ui.text.inactive'={fg="gray-stone-lighter",modifiers=["dim"]}# i think used in autocomplete suggestion..
'ui.text.inactive'={fg="gray-stone-lighter",modifiers=["dim"]}# i think used in autocomplete suggestion..
# TODO: a little hard to see, but i like it better than white-stone and purple-darker..
# TODO: a little hard to see, but i like it better than white-stone and purple-darker..
@ -119,16 +124,20 @@
'ui.highlight'={bg="selection-ui",modifiers=["slow_blink"]}# selected contents of symbol pickers (spc-s, spc-S) and current line in buffer picker (spc-b).
'ui.highlight'={bg="selection-ui",modifiers=["slow_blink"]}# selected contents of symbol pickers (spc-s, spc-S) and current line in buffer picker (spc-b).
'string.special'={fg="purple-pleasant",modifiers=["italic"]}# Strings containing a path, URL, etc.
'string.special'={fg="purple-pleasant-dimmer",modifiers=["italic"]}# Strings containing a path, URL, etc.
# could use something funky 'n dark here..
# could use something funky 'n dark here..
# i hate long underlined text!, so def don't want that..
# i hate long underlined text!, so def don't want that..
# TODO: TEST: italics
# TODO: TEST: italics
@ -189,22 +200,24 @@
# TODO: TEST: maybe okay to use italics here..
# TODO: TEST: maybe okay to use italics here..
'variable'={fg="white-stone"}# Variable names.
'variable'={fg="white-stone"}# Variable names.
# likely the most important word in the line, and therefore must be the most easily visible, yet comfortable
'variable.builtin'={fg="blue-aqua"}# Language reserved variables: `this`, `self`, `super`, etc.
'variable.builtin'={fg="blue-aqua"}# Language reserved variables: `this`, `self`, `super`, etc.
# NOTE: matches class color
# NOTE: matches class color
'variable.parameter'={fg="white-stone"}# Function parameters.
'variable.parameter'={fg="white-stone"}# Function parameters.
# TODO: this would be really useful to differentiate.. white-sea-tinged isn't too bad..
# TODO: this would be really useful to differentiate.. white-sea-tinged isn't too bad..
'variable.function'={fg="orange"}# ? ruby-like everything is an object..?
'variable.function'={fg="orange"}# ? ruby-like everything is an object..?
'variable.other'={fg="pink"}# from aura..
'variable.other'={fg="white-stone"}# from aura..
# fallback
'variable.other.member'={fg="pink-dimmer"}# Fields of composite data types (e.g. structs, unions).
# TODO: decide white-stone vs pink vs another color, and remember to turn down punctuation down a notch in hotness; would be nice to create a slightly tinged color, like noctis's white-sea-tinge
# TODO: decide white-stone vs pink vs another color, and remember to turn down punctuation down a notch in hotness; would be nice to create a slightly tinged color, like noctis's white-sea-tinge
# 'variable.other.member' = { } # Fields of composite data types (e.g. structs, unions).
# NOTE: the bolded gold from noctic is really, really nice, but it collides with the orange-brighter color; also, bolded white is too much white, should save white just for variables only
# NOTE: the bolded gold from noctic is really, really nice, but it collides with the orange-brighter color; also, bolded white is too much white, should save white just for variables only
'punctuation.delimiter'={fg="pink-hotter",modifiers=["bold"]}# Commas and colons.
'punctuation.delimiter'={fg="pink-hot",modifiers=["bold"]}# Commas and colons.
# TODO: TEST: i might just prefer the same pink for consistency.. though this is very very slight..!
# pink-hotter is slightly too annoying..
'punctuation.bracket'={fg="pink-hot",modifiers=["bold"]}# Parentheses, angle brackets, etc.
'punctuation.bracket'={fg="pink",modifiers=["bold"]}# Parentheses, angle brackets, etc.
'punctuation.special'={fg="gold",modifiers=["bold"]}# no clue..
'punctuation.special'={fg="gold",modifiers=["bold"]}# no clue..
'keyword'={fg="purple"}# Language reserved keywords. var, void, struct, let, mut, was accent18 TODO: try it
'keyword'={fg="purple"}# Language reserved keywords. var, void, struct, let, mut, was accent18 TODO: try it
@ -222,9 +235,12 @@
# TODO: doesn't look like it's working..??
# TODO: doesn't look like it's working..??
'keyword.directive'={fg="purple",modifiers=["italic"]}# Preprocessor directives (#if, #include in C).
'keyword.directive'={fg="purple",modifiers=["italic"]}# Preprocessor directives (#if, #include in C).
'keyword.function'={fg="purple",modifiers=["bold"]}# The keyword to define a funtion: 'def', 'fun', 'fn'.
'keyword.function'={fg="purple",modifiers=["bold"]}# The keyword to define a funtion: 'def', 'fun', 'fn'.
'keyword.storage'={fg="purple",modifiers=["italic"]}# function and type modifiers/accessors: public/private, internal, readonly, const, etc.; also struct? enum? var?? namespace?; also let, mut.. lots!! TODO: maybe there's more properties in here..??
'keyword.storage'={fg="purple"}# let and var in rust.. these should be more visible.. i tried defualt's almond, but it was just too bright..
# only makes sense to bold in C#.. italics seems better fit for most languages, especially rust
'keyword.storage.modifier'={fg="purple-dimmer",modifiers=["italic"]}# function and type modifiers/accessors: public/private, mut, dyn, ref, &, internal, readonly, const, etc.
# NOTE: struct and var should match type.builtin
# these should be less visible
# bold makes sense here for C#, as it's usually the start of a function, but not so much for rust..
'keyword.storage.type'={fg="green-sea",modifiers=["italic"]}# class, struct, enum, namespace, sometimes var? (for javascript but not rust)
# matches type.builtin
'operator'={fg="purple-darker",modifiers=["bold"]}# Logical (&&, ||) and - I assume - Mathematical (+, %) operators
'operator'={fg="purple-darker",modifiers=["bold"]}# Logical (&&, ||) and - I assume - Mathematical (+, %) operators
@ -255,7 +271,7 @@
# a little different from code since it's so simple, using a simple two color scheme: purple 'n gold
# a little different from code since it's so simple, using a simple two color scheme: purple 'n gold
# NOTE: it inherits the main text color from ui.text, and punctuation too
# NOTE: it inherits the main text color from ui.text, and punctuation too
markup="purple-pleasant" # fallback
markup="purple-pleasant-dimmer" # fallback
'markup.bold'={fg="orange"}# Bold text.
'markup.bold'={fg="orange"}# Bold text.
# bold text isn't so easy to read.. but purple bold works pretty well alongside purple-pleasant
# bold text isn't so easy to read.. but purple bold works pretty well alongside purple-pleasant
# seems to underline only when highlighted, which is great!!
# seems to underline only when highlighted, which is great!!
'markup.link.url'={fg="gray-stone"}# Urls pointed to by links.
'markup.link.url'={fg="gray-stone"}# Urls pointed to by links.
'markup.link.label'={fg="gray-stone"}# Non-URL link references.
'markup.link.label'={fg="gray-stone"}# Non-URL link references.
'markup.link.text'={fg="purple-pleasant"}# URL and image descriptions in links.
'markup.link.text'={fg="purple-pleasant-dimmer"}# URL and image descriptions in links.
'markup.quote'={fg="pink",modifiers=["italic"]}# `> Quotes` in Markdown.
'markup.quote'={fg="pink",modifiers=["italic"]}# `> Quotes` in Markdown.
@ -336,18 +352,24 @@ red = "#e34e1b"
blue-dark="#19a2b7"# TODO: quite hideous toxic aqua green... currently using for namespaces, as i don't have anymore colors..
blue-dark="#19a2b7"# TODO: quite hideous toxic aqua green... currently using for namespaces, as i don't have anymore colors..
blue-aqua="#47ace8"# currently used for types, a pretty standard blue for classes..
blue-aqua="#47ace8"# currently used for types, a pretty standard blue for classes..
cyan="#87efff"# a tad bit too bright..
cyan="#87efff"# a tadtoo bright..
# aura dark soft/dim
# aura dark soft/dim
purple-dimmer="#705AA2"# via radix.ui.com
green-aqua="#54c59f"# used for constants/literals, not the prettiest, but it fits the aqua sea feelin' of the overall theme.. maybe can try bogster's green
green-aqua="#54c59f"# used for constants/literals, not the prettiest, but it fits the aqua sea feelin' of the overall theme.. maybe can try bogster's green
orange-warning="#c7a06f"# warning, like a dim hazard sign
orange-warning="#c7a06f"# warning, like a dim hazard sign
pink="#c17ac8"# great, comfy pink for pop-up-menu ui text, TODO: shuold be second main text color, but using it for punctuation at the moment..
pink="#c17ac8"# great, comfy pink for pop-up-menu ui text, TODO: shuold be second main text color, but using it for punctuation at the moment..