@ -1212,11 +1212,11 @@ impl Document {
.and_then(|config| config.max_line_length)
// we increase max_line_len by 1 because softwrap considers the newline characterr
// as part of the line length while the "typical" expectiation is that this is not the case
// In particular other commands like :reflow do not count the line terminator
// this is technically inconsistent for the last line as that line never has a line terminator
// but having the last visual line exceed the width by 1 seems like a rare edgecase
// We increase max_line_len by 1 because softwrap considers the newline character
// as part of the line length while the "typical" expectation is that this is not the case.
// In particular other commands like :reflow do not count the line terminator.
// This is technically inconsistent for the last line as that line never has a line terminator
// but having the last visual line exceed the width by 1 seems like a rare edge case.
viewport_width = viewport_width.min(max_line_len as u16 + 1)
let config = self.config.load();