You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

33 KiB


💡 Mappings marked (LSP) require an active language server for the file.

💡 Mappings marked (TS) require a tree-sitter grammar for the filetype.

Normal mode


NOTE: Unlike Vim, f, F, t and T are not confined to the current line.

Key Description Command
h, Left Move left move_char_left
j, Down Move down move_line_down
k, Up Move up move_line_up
l, Right Move right move_char_right
w Move next word start move_next_word_start
b Move previous word start move_prev_word_start
e Move next word end move_next_word_end
W Move next WORD start move_next_long_word_start
B Move previous WORD start move_prev_long_word_start
E Move next WORD end move_next_long_word_end
t Find 'till next char find_till_char
f Find next char find_next_char
T Find 'till previous char till_prev_char
F Find previous char find_prev_char
G Go to line number <n> goto_line
Alt-. Repeat last motion (f, t or m) repeat_last_motion
Home Move to the start of the line goto_line_start
End Move to the end of the line goto_line_end
Ctrl-b, PageUp Move page up page_up
Ctrl-f, PageDown Move page down page_down
Ctrl-u Move half page up half_page_up
Ctrl-d Move half page down half_page_down
Ctrl-i Jump forward on the jumplist jump_forward
Ctrl-o Jump backward on the jumplist jump_backward
Ctrl-s Save the current selection to the jumplist save_selection


Key Description Command
r Replace with a character replace
R Replace with yanked text replace_with_yanked
~ Switch case of the selected text switch_case
` Set the selected text to lower case switch_to_lowercase
Alt-` Set the selected text to upper case switch_to_uppercase
i Insert before selection insert_mode
a Insert after selection (append) append_mode
I Insert at the start of the line insert_at_line_start
A Insert at the end of the line insert_at_line_end
o Open new line below selection open_below
O Open new line above selection open_above
. Repeat last insert N/A
u Undo change undo
U Redo change redo
Alt-u Move backward in history earlier
Alt-U Move forward in history later
y Yank selection yank
p Paste after selection paste_after
P Paste before selection paste_before
" <reg> Select a register to yank to or paste from select_register
> Indent selection indent
< Unindent selection unindent
= Format selection (currently nonfunctional/disabled) (LSP) format_selections
d Delete selection delete_selection
Alt-d Delete selection, without yanking delete_selection_noyank
c Change selection (delete and enter insert mode) change_selection
Alt-c Change selection (delete and enter insert mode, without yanking) change_selection_noyank
Ctrl-a Increment object (number) under cursor increment
Ctrl-x Decrement object (number) under cursor decrement
Q Start/stop macro recording to the selected register (experimental) record_macro
q Play back a recorded macro from the selected register (experimental) replay_macro


Key Description Command
| Pipe each selection through shell command, replacing with output shell_pipe
Alt-| Pipe each selection into shell command, ignoring output shell_pipe_to
! Run shell command, inserting output before each selection shell_insert_output
Alt-! Run shell command, appending output after each selection shell_append_output
$ Pipe each selection into shell command, keep selections where command returned 0 shell_keep_pipe

Selection manipulation

Key Description Command
s Select all regex matches inside selections select_regex
S Split selection into subselections on regex matches split_selection
Alt-s Split selection on newlines split_selection_on_newline
Alt-_ Merge consecutive selections merge_consecutive_selections
& Align selection in columns align_selections
_ Trim whitespace from the selection trim_selections
; Collapse selection onto a single cursor collapse_selection
Alt-; Flip selection cursor and anchor flip_selections
Alt-: Ensures the selection is in forward direction ensure_selections_forward
, Keep only the primary selection keep_primary_selection
Alt-, Remove the primary selection remove_primary_selection
C Copy selection onto the next line (Add cursor below) copy_selection_on_next_line
Alt-C Copy selection onto the previous line (Add cursor above) copy_selection_on_prev_line
( Rotate main selection backward rotate_selections_backward
) Rotate main selection forward rotate_selections_forward
Alt-( Rotate selection contents backward rotate_selection_contents_backward
Alt-) Rotate selection contents forward rotate_selection_contents_forward
% Select entire file select_all
x Select current line, if already selected, extend to next line extend_line_below
X Extend selection to line bounds (line-wise selection) extend_to_line_bounds
Alt-x Shrink selection to line bounds (line-wise selection) shrink_to_line_bounds
J Join lines inside selection join_selections
Alt-J Join lines inside selection and select space join_selections_space
K Keep selections matching the regex keep_selections
Alt-K Remove selections matching the regex remove_selections
Ctrl-c Comment/uncomment the selections toggle_comments
Alt-o, Alt-up Expand selection to parent syntax node (TS) expand_selection
Alt-i, Alt-down Shrink syntax tree object selection (TS) shrink_selection
Alt-p, Alt-left Select previous sibling node in syntax tree (TS) select_prev_sibling
Alt-n, Alt-right Select next sibling node in syntax tree (TS) select_next_sibling

Search commands all operate on the / register by default. Use "<char> to operate on a different one.

Key Description Command
/ Search for regex pattern search
? Search for previous pattern rsearch
n Select next search match search_next
N Select previous search match search_prev
* Use current selection as the search pattern search_selection

Minor modes

These sub-modes are accessible from normal mode and typically switch back to normal mode after a command.

Key Description Command
v Enter select (extend) mode select_mode
g Enter goto mode N/A
m Enter match mode N/A
: Enter command mode command_mode
z Enter view mode N/A
Z Enter sticky view mode N/A
Ctrl-w Enter window mode N/A
Space Enter space mode N/A

These modes (except command mode) can be configured by remapping keys.

View mode

Accessed by typing z in normal mode.

View mode is intended for scrolling and manipulating the view without changing the selection. The "sticky" variant of this mode (accessed by typing Z in normal mode) is persistent; use the Escape key to return to normal mode after usage (useful when you're simply looking over text and not actively editing it).

Key Description Command
z, c Vertically center the line align_view_center
t Align the line to the top of the screen align_view_top
b Align the line to the bottom of the screen align_view_bottom
m Align the line to the middle of the screen (horizontally) align_view_middle
j, down Scroll the view downwards scroll_down
k, up Scroll the view upwards scroll_up
Ctrl-f, PageDown Move page down page_down
Ctrl-b, PageUp Move page up page_up
Ctrl-d Move half page down half_page_down
Ctrl-u Move half page up half_page_up

Goto mode

Accessed by typing g in normal mode.

Jumps to various locations.

Key Description Command
g Go to line number <n> else start of file goto_file_start
e Go to the end of the file goto_last_line
f Go to files in the selection goto_file
h Go to the start of the line goto_line_start
l Go to the end of the line goto_line_end
s Go to first non-whitespace character of the line goto_first_nonwhitespace
t Go to the top of the screen goto_window_top
c Go to the middle of the screen goto_window_center
b Go to the bottom of the screen goto_window_bottom
d Go to definition (LSP) goto_definition
y Go to type definition (LSP) goto_type_definition
r Go to references (LSP) goto_reference
i Go to implementation (LSP) goto_implementation
a Go to the last accessed/alternate file goto_last_accessed_file
m Go to the last modified/alternate file goto_last_modified_file
n Go to next buffer goto_next_buffer
p Go to previous buffer goto_previous_buffer
. Go to last modification in current file goto_last_modification

Match mode

Accessed by typing m in normal mode.

See the relevant section in Usage for an explanation about surround and textobject usage.

Key Description Command
m Goto matching bracket (TS) match_brackets
s <char> Surround current selection with <char> surround_add
r <from><to> Replace surround character <from> with <to> surround_replace
d <char> Delete surround character <char> surround_delete
a <object> Select around textobject select_textobject_around
i <object> Select inside textobject select_textobject_inner

TODO: Mappings for selecting syntax nodes (a superset of [).

Window mode

Accessed by typing Ctrl-w in normal mode.

This layer is similar to Vim keybindings as Kakoune does not support window.

Key Description Command
w, Ctrl-w Switch to next window rotate_view
v, Ctrl-v Vertical right split vsplit
s, Ctrl-s Horizontal bottom split hsplit
f Go to files in the selection in horizontal splits goto_file
F Go to files in the selection in vertical splits goto_file
h, Ctrl-h, Left Move to left split jump_view_left
j, Ctrl-j, Down Move to split below jump_view_down
k, Ctrl-k, Up Move to split above jump_view_up
l, Ctrl-l, Right Move to right split jump_view_right
q, Ctrl-q Close current window wclose
o, Ctrl-o Only keep the current window, closing all the others wonly
H Swap window to the left swap_view_left
J Swap window downwards swap_view_down
K Swap window upwards swap_view_up
L Swap window to the right swap_view_right

Space mode

Accessed by typing Space in normal mode.

This layer is a kludge of mappings, mostly pickers.

Key Description Command
f Open file picker file_picker
F Open file picker at current working directory file_picker_in_current_directory
b Open buffer picker buffer_picker
j Open jumplist picker jumplist_picker
k Show documentation for item under cursor in a popup (LSP) hover
s Open document symbol picker (LSP) symbol_picker
S Open workspace symbol picker (LSP) workspace_symbol_picker
d Open document diagnostics picker (LSP) diagnostics_picker
D Open workspace diagnostics picker (LSP) workspace_diagnostics_picker
r Rename symbol (LSP) rename_symbol
a Apply code action (LSP) code_action
' Open last fuzzy picker last_picker
w Enter window mode N/A
p Paste system clipboard after selections paste_clipboard_after
P Paste system clipboard before selections paste_clipboard_before
y Join and yank selections to clipboard yank_joined_to_clipboard
Y Yank main selection to clipboard yank_main_selection_to_clipboard
R Replace selections by clipboard contents replace_selections_with_clipboard
/ Global search in workspace folder global_search
? Open command palette command_palette

TIP: Global search displays results in a fuzzy picker, use Space + ' to bring it back up after opening a file.


Displays documentation for item under cursor.

Key Description
Ctrl-u Scroll up
Ctrl-d Scroll down


Mappings in the style of vim-unimpaired.

Key Description Command
]d Go to next diagnostic (LSP) goto_next_diag
[d Go to previous diagnostic (LSP) goto_prev_diag
]D Go to last diagnostic in document (LSP) goto_last_diag
[D Go to first diagnostic in document (LSP) goto_first_diag
]f Go to next function (TS) goto_next_function
[f Go to previous function (TS) goto_prev_function
]t Go to next type definition (TS) goto_next_class
[t Go to previous type definition (TS) goto_prev_class
]a Go to next argument/parameter (TS) goto_next_parameter
[a Go to previous argument/parameter (TS) goto_prev_parameter
]c Go to next comment (TS) goto_next_comment
[c Go to previous comment (TS) goto_prev_comment
]T Go to next test (TS) goto_next_test
[T Go to previous test (TS) goto_prev_test
]p Go to next paragraph goto_next_paragraph
[p Go to previous paragraph goto_prev_paragraph
]g Go to next change goto_next_change
[g Go to previous change goto_prev_change
]G Go to last change goto_last_change
[G Go to first change goto_first_change
]Space Add newline below add_newline_below
[Space Add newline above add_newline_above

Insert mode

Insert mode bindings are somewhat minimal by default. Helix is designed to be a modal editor, and this is reflected in the user experience and internal mechanics. For example, changes to the text are only saved for undos when escaping from insert mode to normal mode. For this reason, new users are strongly encouraged to learn the modal editing paradigm to get the smoothest experience.

Key Description Command
Escape Switch to normal mode normal_mode
Ctrl-s Commit undo checkpoint commit_undo_checkpoint
Ctrl-x Autocomplete completion
Ctrl-r Insert a register content insert_register
Ctrl-w, Alt-Backspace Delete previous word delete_word_backward
Alt-d, Alt-Delete Delete next word delete_word_forward
Ctrl-u Delete to start of line kill_to_line_start
Ctrl-k Delete to end of line kill_to_line_end
Ctrl-h, Backspace Delete previous char delete_char_backward
Ctrl-d, Delete Delete next char delete_char_forward
Ctrl-j, Enter Insert new line insert_newline

These keys are not recommended, but are included for new users less familiar with modal editors.

Key Description Command
Up Move to previous line move_line_up
Down Move to next line move_line_down
Left Backward a char move_char_left
Right Forward a char move_char_right
PageUp Move one page up page_up
PageDown Move one page down page_down
Home Move to line start goto_line_start
End Move to line end goto_line_end_newline

If you want to disable them in insert mode as you become more comfortable with modal editing, you can use the following in your config.toml:

up = "no_op"
down = "no_op"
left = "no_op"
right = "no_op"
pageup = "no_op"
pagedown = "no_op"
home = "no_op"
end = "no_op"

Select / extend mode

This mode echoes Normal mode, but changes any movements to extend selections rather than replace them. Goto motions are also changed to extend, so that vgl for example extends the selection to the end of the line.

Search is also affected. By default, n and N will remove the current selection and select the next instance of the search term. Toggling this mode before pressing n or N makes it possible to keep the current selection. Toggling it on and off during your iterative searching allows you to selectively add search terms to your selections.


Keys to use within picker. Remapping currently not supported.

Key Description
Shift-Tab, Up, Ctrl-p Previous entry
Tab, Down, Ctrl-n Next entry
PageUp, Ctrl-u Page up
PageDown, Ctrl-d Page down
Home Go to first entry
End Go to last entry
Enter Open selected
Ctrl-s Open horizontally
Ctrl-v Open vertically
Ctrl-t Toggle preview
Escape, Ctrl-c Close picker


Keys to use within prompt, Remapping currently not supported.

Key Description
Escape, Ctrl-c Close prompt
Alt-b, Ctrl-Left Backward a word
Ctrl-b, Left Backward a char
Alt-f, Ctrl-Right Forward a word
Ctrl-f, Right Forward a char
Ctrl-e, End Move prompt end
Ctrl-a, Home Move prompt start
Ctrl-w, Alt-Backspace, Ctrl-Backspace Delete previous word
Alt-d, Alt-Delete, Ctrl-Delete Delete next word
Ctrl-u Delete to start of line
Ctrl-k Delete to end of line
Backspace, Ctrl-h Delete previous char
Delete, Ctrl-d Delete next char
Ctrl-s Insert a word under doc cursor, may be changed to Ctrl-r Ctrl-w later
Ctrl-p, Up Select previous history
Ctrl-n, Down Select next history
Ctrl-r Insert the content of the register selected by following input char
Tab Select next completion item
BackTab Select previous completion item
Enter Open selected