@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ type Mutation {
report(postId: ID!): Boolean
report(postId: ID!): Boolean
"send a request"
"send a request"
sendRequest(request: Request!): Boolean
sendRequest(reciever: ID!, type: RequestType): Boolean
"lets you accept a request for a given request id"
"lets you accept a request for a given request id"
acceptRequest(requestId: ID!): Boolean
acceptRequest(requestId: ID!): Boolean
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ type Mutation {
sendMessage(chatId: ID!, content: String!): Boolean
sendMessage(chatId: ID!, content: String!): Boolean
"create the post"
"create the post"
createPost(post: Post!): Boolean
createPost(text: String, picture: String, tags: [String]): Boolean
"delete the post for a given post id"
"delete the post for a given post id"
deletePost(postId: ID!): Boolean
deletePost(postId: ID!): Boolean