You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3.0 KiB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • settings field to own user data to store frontend settings
  • Jenkinsfile
  • Mocha Tests
  • worker initialization error handling
  • bearer token authentication for testing purposes
  • Added `deletable' field on post
  • Admin field that for admin users
  • ability for admins to delete posts
  • ability to upload file at /upload with the name profilePicture
  • publicPath to config file to configure the directory for public files
  • profilePicture property to User model which is an url to the users profile picture
  • activities to posts
  • getActivities field to receive all activities
  • createActivity mutation
  • activities table
  • event and eventCount to UserData gql interface
  • joined field to Event gql type
  • joined field to Group gql type
  • rate limits with defaults of 10/min for /upload and 30/min for /graphql
  • complexity limits for graphql queries that can be configured with the api.maxQueryComplexity option
  • complexity headers X-Query-Complexity and X-Max-Query-Complexity
  • Media model to store information about media (videos and images)
  • Media association to users, groups and posts
  • Upload handling for media entries (via /upload)
  • routine to cleanup orphaned media entries (not referenced by post, user, group)
  • delete handler for media to delete the corresponding file
  • type for create post to know if it is a media or text post (media posts are invisible until a media file is uploaded)
  • reports and mutations to report posts and create reasons to report
  • level entity


  • special worker logging
  • public directory which only contained a stylesheet for the error pages


  • changed the running behaviour to run in cluster threads via node.js cluster api
  • gql field userVote requires a userId
  • default findUser param limit to 20
  • only group admins can create group events
  • config behaviour to use all files that reside in the ./config directory with the .toml format
  • default response timeout from 2 minutes to 30 seconds
  • cluster api to start workers with a 2 second delay each to avoid race conditions
  • levels to be configured in the backend


  • sequelize initialization being logged without winston
  • userVote is always null (#47)
  • findUser not being implemented
  • style issues
  • graphql schema for denyRequest using the wrong parameters
  • sendRequest allowing duplicates
  • upload throwing an error when the old picture doesn't exist
  • extension of uploaded videos doesn't have a dot

[0.9] - 2019-10-29


  • Graphql Schema
  • default-config file and generation of config file on startup
  • DTOs
  • Home Route
  • session management
  • Sequelize models and integration
  • Sequelize-typescript integration
  • error pages
  • pagination for most list types
  • angular integration by redirecting to index.html on not found