@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
@ -11,8 +12,6 @@ use toml::Value;
pub use crate::graphics::{Color, Modifier, Style};
/// Color theme for syntax highlighting.
pub static DEFAULT_THEME: Lazy<Theme> = Lazy::new(|| {
toml::from_slice(include_bytes!("../../theme.toml")).expect("Failed to parse default theme")
@ -54,22 +53,10 @@ impl Loader {
.map(|entries| {
.filter_map(|entry| {
if let Ok(entry) = entry {
let entry = entry.ok()?;
let path = entry.path();
if let Some(ext) = path.extension() {
if ext != "toml" {
return None;
return Some(
(path.extension()? == "toml")
.then(|| path.file_stem().unwrap().to_string_lossy().into_owned())
@ -103,13 +90,23 @@ impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Theme {
let mut styles = HashMap::new();
if let Ok(mut colors) = HashMap::<String, Value>::deserialize(deserializer) {
let palette = parse_palette(colors.remove("palette"));
// scopes.reserve(colors.len());
// TODO: alert user of parsing failures in editor
let palette = colors
.map(|value| {
ThemePalette::try_from(value).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
warn!("{}", err);
for (name, style_value) in colors {
let mut style = Style::default();
parse_style(&mut style, style_value, &palette);
// scopes.push(name);
if let Err(err) = palette.parse_style(&mut style, style_value) {
warn!("{}", err);
styles.insert(name, style);
@ -119,121 +116,120 @@ impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Theme {
fn parse_palette(value: Option<Value>) -> HashMap<String, Color> {
match value {
Some(Value::Table(entries)) => entries,
_ => return HashMap::default(),
impl Theme {
pub fn get(&self, scope: &str) -> Style {
.unwrap_or_else(|| Style::default().fg(Color::Rgb(0, 0, 255)))
.filter_map(|(name, value)| {
let color = parse_color(value, &HashMap::default())?;
Some((name, color))
fn parse_style(style: &mut Style, value: Value, palette: &HashMap<String, Color>) {
//TODO: alert user of parsing failures
if let Value::Table(entries) = value {
for (name, value) in entries {
match name.as_str() {
"fg" => {
if let Some(color) = parse_color(value, palette) {
*style = style.fg(color);
"bg" => {
if let Some(color) = parse_color(value, palette) {
*style = style.bg(color);
"modifiers" => {
if let Value::Array(arr) = value {
for modifier in arr.iter().filter_map(parse_modifier) {
*style = style.add_modifier(modifier);
pub fn try_get(&self, scope: &str) -> Option<Style> {
_ => (),
pub fn scopes(&self) -> &[String] {
pub fn find_scope_index(&self, scope: &str) -> Option<usize> {
self.scopes().iter().position(|s| s == scope)
} else if let Some(color) = parse_color(value, palette) {
*style = style.fg(color);
struct ThemePalette {
palette: HashMap<String, Color>,
impl Default for ThemePalette {
fn default() -> Self {
fn hex_string_to_rgb(s: &str) -> Option<(u8, u8, u8)> {
impl ThemePalette {
pub fn new(palette: HashMap<String, Color>) -> Self {
Self { palette }
pub fn hex_string_to_rgb(s: &str) -> Result<Color, String> {
if s.starts_with('#') && s.len() >= 7 {
if let (Ok(red), Ok(green), Ok(blue)) = (
u8::from_str_radix(&s[1..3], 16),
u8::from_str_radix(&s[3..5], 16),
u8::from_str_radix(&s[5..7], 16),
) {
Some((red, green, blue))
} else {
return Ok(Color::Rgb(red, green, blue));
} else {
fn parse_color(value: Value, palette: &HashMap<String, Color>) -> Option<Color> {
if let Value::String(s) = value {
if let Some(color) = palette.get(&s) {
} else if let Some((red, green, blue)) = hex_string_to_rgb(&s) {
Some(Color::Rgb(red, green, blue))
} else {
warn!("malformed hexcode in theme: {}", s);
Err(format!("Theme: malformed hexcode: {}", s))
} else {
warn!("unrecognized value in theme: {}", value);
fn parse_value_as_str(value: &Value) -> Result<&str, String> {
.ok_or(format!("Theme: unrecognized value: {}", value))
fn parse_modifier(value: &Value) -> Option<Modifier> {
if let Value::String(s) = value {
match s.as_str() {
"bold" => Some(Modifier::BOLD),
"dim" => Some(Modifier::DIM),
"italic" => Some(Modifier::ITALIC),
"underlined" => Some(Modifier::UNDERLINED),
"slow_blink" => Some(Modifier::SLOW_BLINK),
"rapid_blink" => Some(Modifier::RAPID_BLINK),
"reversed" => Some(Modifier::REVERSED),
"hidden" => Some(Modifier::HIDDEN),
"crossed_out" => Some(Modifier::CROSSED_OUT),
_ => {
warn!("unrecognized modifier in theme: {}", s);
pub fn parse_color(&self, value: Value) -> Result<Color, String> {
let value = Self::parse_value_as_str(&value)?;
.or_else(|_| Self::hex_string_to_rgb(value))
pub fn parse_modifier(value: &Value) -> Result<Modifier, String> {
.and_then(|s| s.parse().ok())
.ok_or(format!("Theme: invalid modifier: {}", value))
pub fn parse_style(&self, style: &mut Style, value: Value) -> Result<(), String> {
if let Value::Table(entries) = value {
for (name, value) in entries {
match name.as_str() {
"fg" => *style = style.fg(self.parse_color(value)?),
"bg" => *style = style.bg(self.parse_color(value)?),
"modifiers" => {
let modifiers = value
.ok_or("Theme: modifiers should be an array")?;
for modifier in modifiers {
*style = style.add_modifier(Self::parse_modifier(modifier)?);
_ => return Err(format!("Theme: invalid style attribute: {}", name)),
} else {
warn!("unrecognized modifier in theme: {}", value);
*style = style.fg(self.parse_color(value)?);
impl Theme {
pub fn get(&self, scope: &str) -> Style {
.unwrap_or_else(|| Style::default().fg(Color::Rgb(0, 0, 255)))
impl TryFrom<Value> for ThemePalette {
type Error = String;
pub fn try_get(&self, scope: &str) -> Option<Style> {
fn try_from(value: Value) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let map = match value {
Value::Table(entries) => entries,
_ => return Ok(Self::default()),
pub fn scopes(&self) -> &[String] {
let mut palette = HashMap::with_capacity(map.len());
for (name, value) in map {
let value = Self::parse_value_as_str(&value)?;
let color = Self::hex_string_to_rgb(value)?;
palette.insert(name, color);
pub fn find_scope_index(&self, scope: &str) -> Option<usize> {
self.scopes().iter().position(|s| s == scope)
@ -242,23 +238,21 @@ fn test_parse_style_string() {
let fg = Value::String("#ffffff".to_string());
let mut style = Style::default();
parse_style(&mut style, fg, &HashMap::default());
let palette = ThemePalette::default();
palette.parse_style(&mut style, fg).unwrap();
assert_eq!(style, Style::default().fg(Color::Rgb(255, 255, 255)));
fn test_palette() {
use helix_core::hashmap;
let fg = Value::String("my_color".to_string());
let mut style = Style::default();
&mut style,
&vec![("my_color".to_string(), Color::Rgb(255, 255, 255))]
let palette =
ThemePalette::new(hashmap! { "my_color".to_string() => Color::Rgb(255, 255, 255) });
palette.parse_style(&mut style, fg).unwrap();
assert_eq!(style, Style::default().fg(Color::Rgb(255, 255, 255)));
@ -274,9 +268,10 @@ fn test_parse_style_table() {
let mut style = Style::default();
let palette = ThemePalette::default();
if let Value::Table(entries) = table {
for (_name, value) in entries {
parse_style(&mut style, value, &HashMap::default());
palette.parse_style(&mut style, value).unwrap();