@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ The `[editor.statusline]` key takes the following sub-keys:
| Key | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `left` | A list of elements aligned to the left of the statusline | `["mode", "spinner", "file-name"]` |
| `left` | A list of elements aligned to the left of the statusline | `["mode", "spinner", "file-name", "file-modification-indicator"]` |
| `center` | A list of elements aligned to the middle of the statusline | `[]` |
| `right` | A list of elements aligned to the right of the statusline | `["diagnostics", "selections", "position", "file-encoding"]` |
| `right` | A list of elements aligned to the right of the statusline | `["diagnostics", "selections", "register", "position", "file-encoding"]` |
| `separator` | The character used to separate elements in the statusline | `"│"` |
| `mode.normal` | The text shown in the `mode` element for normal mode | `"NOR"` |
| `mode.insert` | The text shown in the `mode` element for insert mode | `"INS"` |