You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

156 lines
4.6 KiB

mod error;
use crate::error::Result;
use hydrus_api::wrapper::hydrus_file::HydrusFile;
use hydrus_api::wrapper::service::ServiceName;
use hydrus_api::wrapper::tag::Tag;
use hydrus_api::{Client, Hydrus};
use pixiv_rs::PixivClient;
use rustnao::{Handler, HandlerBuilder, Sauce};
use std::fs;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use structopt::clap::AppSettings;
use structopt::StructOpt;
use tempdir::TempDir;
use tokio::time::{Duration, Instant};
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
#[structopt(settings = &[AppSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen])]
struct Opt {
/// The saucenao api key
#[structopt(long, env)]
saucenao_key: String,
/// The hydrus client api key
#[structopt(long, env)]
hydrus_key: String,
/// The url to the hydrus client api
#[structopt(long, default_value = "", env)]
hydrus_url: String,
/// The tag service the tags will be assigned to
#[structopt(long, default_value = "my tags")]
tag_service: String,
/// Tag that is assigned to files that have been processed
finish_tag: Option<String>,
/// Tags used to search for files
#[structopt(short, long)]
tags: Vec<String>,
#[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
async fn main() {
let opt: Opt = Opt::from_args();
let handler = HandlerBuilder::new()
let hydrus = Hydrus::new(Client::new(opt.hydrus_url, opt.hydrus_key));
let pixiv = PixivClient::new();
let tags = opt.tags.into_iter().map(Tag::from).collect();
let service = ServiceName(opt.tag_service);
let files =;
log::info!("Found {} files", files.len());
let tmpdir = TempDir::new("hydrus-files").unwrap();
let sleep_duration = Duration::from_secs(6);
for mut file in files {
let start = Instant::now();
if let Err(e) = search_and_assign_tags(&handler, &pixiv, &service, &tmpdir, &mut file).await
let hash = file.hash().await.unwrap();
log::error!("Failed to search and assign tags to file {}: {:?}", hash, e);
} else if let Some(finish_tag) = &opt.finish_tag {
file.add_tags(service.clone(), vec![finish_tag.into()])
let elapsed = start.elapsed();
if elapsed.as_secs() < 6 {
tokio::time::sleep(sleep_duration - elapsed).await; // rate limit of 6# / 30s
async fn search_and_assign_tags(
handler: &Handler,
pixiv: &PixivClient,
service: &ServiceName,
tmpdir: &TempDir,
mut file: &mut HydrusFile,
) -> Result<()> {
log::debug!("Creating tmp file for hydrus file {:?}",;
let path = create_tmp_sauce_file(&tmpdir, &mut file).await?;
log::debug!("Getting sauce for hydrus file {:?}",;
let sauce = handler.get_sauce(path.to_str().unwrap(), None, None)?;
log::debug!("Getting tags for hydrus file {:?}",;
assign_pixiv_tags_and_url(&pixiv, service, &mut file, &sauce).await
fn get_pixiv_url(sauce: &Vec<Sauce>) -> Option<&String> {
sauce.first().and_then(|s| s.ext_urls.first())
async fn assign_pixiv_tags_and_url(
pixiv: &&PixivClient,
service: &ServiceName,
file: &mut &mut HydrusFile,
sauce: &Vec<Sauce>,
) -> Result<()> {
let hash = file.hash().await?;
if let Some(url) = get_pixiv_url(&sauce) {
let tags = get_tags_for_sauce(&pixiv, url).await?;
if tags.len() > 0 {
log::info!("Found {} tags for file {:?}", tags.len(), hash);
file.add_tags(service.clone(), tags).await?;
} else {
log::info!("No tags for file {:?} found", hash);
} else {
log::info!("No pixiv post for file {:?} found", hash);
async fn get_tags_for_sauce(pixiv: &PixivClient, url: &String) -> Result<Vec<Tag>> {
let mut tags = Vec::new();
if let Some(pixiv_id) = url.rsplit_once("=").map(|s| s.1) {
log::trace!("Pixiv id is '{}'", pixiv_id);
let illustration = pixiv.illustration(pixiv_id).await?;
for tag in illustration.tags.tags {
let tag_value = tag.translation.get("en").unwrap_or(&tag.tag);
async fn create_tmp_sauce_file(tmpdir: &TempDir, file: &mut HydrusFile) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let hash = file.hash().await?;
let bytes = file.retrieve().await?.bytes;
let path = tmpdir.path().join(&hash);
fs::write(&path, bytes)?;