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# set the initial pointer value for the next fibonacci numbers
set 0x04 rgd
set 0x00 rgp
# first two numbers (0, 1)
set 0x00 rgd
set 0x02 rgp
set 0x01 rgd
set 0x03 rgp
# all other numbers
label 0x00
set 0x00 rgp
load # load the pointer for the next value
set 0x01 rgi
copy rgo rgp
load # load the value F-1
set 0x01 rgp
write # write the value to a temp location
set 0x00 rgp # load the pointer for the next value
set 0x02 rgi
copy rgo rgp
load # load the value F-2
copy rgd rgi # copy the value to rgi
set 0x01 rgp
load # load the temporary value F-1
add # add F-1 and F-2
copy rgo rgd
write # write the value to the temporary location
set 0x00 rgp
load # load the pointer for the next value
copy rgd rgo # store the value in rgo temporarily
set 0x01 rgp
copy rgo rgp # copy the pointer from rgo to rgp
write # write the value to the pointer for the next value
copy rgp rgd # copy the pointer address to rgd
set 0x01 rgi
add # add 1 to the address to get the next one
copy rgo rgd
set 0x00 rgp
write # write the next address into 0x00
set 50 rgi
# print all values
set 0x00 rgp
load # load the pointer to the next value
set 0x01 rgl
label 0x01 # create a label to jump back
set 0x01 rgi
copy rgo rgp # subtract the pointer by one to get the previous value
print rgd # print the loaded previous value
copy rgp rgd
set 0x02 rgi
jg # jump if the pointer is greater than 2 (the numbers start at 0x03)