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90 lines
2.1 KiB

use std::io;
use std::io::Write;
use std::net::TcpStream;
const STATE_COMMAND_PREFIX: u8 = 0x71;
const PROGRAM_COMMAND_PREFIX: u8 = 0x61;
pub enum StateStripCommand {
On = 0x23,
Off = 0x24,
pub enum ProgramStripCommand {
SevenCrossFade = 0x25,
RedGradual = 0x26,
GreenGradual = 0x27,
BlueGradual = 0x28,
WhiteGradual = 0x2c,
RedGreenCross = 0x2d,
RedBlueCross = 0x2e,
GreenBlueCross = 0x2f,
SevenStrobe = 0x30,
RedStrobe = 0x31,
GreenStrobe = 0x32,
BlueStrobe = 0x33,
WhiteStrobe = 0x37,
SevenJumping = 0x38,
pub struct LedStripController {
stream: TcpStream,
pub r: u8,
pub g: u8,
pub b: u8,
impl LedStripController {
pub fn new(ip: &str, port: usize) -> io::Result<Self> {
let stream = TcpStream::connect(format!("{}:{}", ip, port))?;
Ok(Self {
r: 0,
g: 0,
b: 0,
/// Send an rgb color to the led strip
pub fn send_rgb_color(&mut self, r: u8, g: u8, b: u8) -> io::Result<()> {
self.r = r;
self.g = g;
self.b = b;
let message = create_message(&[0x31, r, g, b, 0xf0]);;
/// Sets the state of the strip to either on or off
pub fn set_state(&mut self, cmd: StateStripCommand) -> io::Result<()> {
.write(&create_message(&[STATE_COMMAND_PREFIX, cmd as u8]))?;
/// Sends a strip command with a specified speed
/// that is one of 0x01 0x06, 0x10, 0x1c
pub fn send_command(&mut self, cmd: ProgramStripCommand, speed: u8) -> io::Result<()> {
.write(&create_message(&[PROGRAM_COMMAND_PREFIX, cmd as u8, speed]))?;
/// Create a message for the led strip
fn create_message(data: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut data = data.clone().to_vec();
data.append(&mut vec![0x0f]);
let mut sum = 0u128;
for i in &data {
sum += *i as u128;
data.push(sum as u8 & 255);