It works similar to image boards (boorus) as it allows one to assign tags to media entries and
search for entries by using those tags. It is inspired by [hydrus]( with the goal to provide a good looking and fast
- running repository daemons on startup or in the background
- importing files from the file system
- assigning tags to files
- searching for files using tags and properties
- sorting files by properties and tag namespaces
### Planned
- tag aliases and implications
- file collections
- importing files from URLs
- tag lookup using SauceNao and IQDB
- synchronisation between clients
## Installation
In order to use mediarepo, the mediarepo daemon and UI application need to be installed.
Both can be downloaded from the [Releases]( page or the AUR.
Arch Linux:
yay -S mediarepo-daemon mediarepo
When installing manually the `mediarepo-daemon` binary needs to be accessible in the `PATH` variable.
## Building
### Prerequisites
You need to have a working rust toolchain (e.g. via [rustup]( and [node.js]( installed.
For building the UI the required tauri build tooling needs to be installed as well. Please follow [their documentation]( for setup information.
## Usage and Further Information
Please consult the [official website]( for more information.