@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import optparse
import zipfile
import urllib . request as urlreq
user_agent = ' python:riddle:3.0 (by u/Trivernis) '
img_ext = [ ' jpg ' , ' jpeg ' , ' png ' , ' svg ' , ' gif ' ]
user_agent = ' python:riddle:3.0 (by u/Trivernis) ' # the reddit api user-agent
img_ext = [ ' jpg ' , ' jpeg ' , ' png ' ] # default used extensions to filter for images
def assert_dir_exist ( dirpath ) :
@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ def download_file(url: str, dest: str):
class ProgressBar :
A simple progressbar .
def __init__ ( self , total = 100 , prefix = ' ' , suffix = ' ' , length = 50 , fill = ' █ ' ) :
self . prefix = prefix
self . suffix = suffix
@ -99,7 +102,7 @@ def get_images(reddit_client: praw.Reddit, subreddit: str, limit: int):
: return : list of images
print ( ' [~] Fetching images for %s ... ' % subreddit )
urls = [ submission . url for submission in reddit_client . subreddit ( subreddit ) . hot ( limit = limit ) ]
urls = [ submission . url for submission in reddit_client . subreddit ( subreddit ) . hot ( limit = limit ) ] # fetches hot images
return [ url for url in urls if url . split ( ' . ' ) [ - 1 ] in img_ext ]
@ -114,8 +117,8 @@ def download_images(images: list, dl_dir: str):
print ( ' [~] Downloading %s images to %s ' % ( imgcount , dl_dir ) )
pb = ProgressBar ( total = imgcount , prefix = ' [~] Downloading ' , suffix = ' Complete ' )
assert_dir_exist ( dl_dir )
for img in images :
for img in images : # download each image if it doesn't exist
pb . tick ( )
imgname = img . split ( ' / ' ) [ - 1 ]
name = os . path . join ( dl_dir , imgname )
@ -132,10 +135,13 @@ def compress_folder(folder: str, zip_fname: str):
print ( ' [~] Compressing folder... ' )
mode = ' w '
if os . path . isfile ( zip_fname ) :
if os . path . isfile ( zip_fname ) : # append to the zipfile if it already exists
mode = ' a '
zfile = zipfile . ZipFile ( zip_fname , mode )
for _ , _ , files in os . walk ( folder ) :
for _ , _ , files in os . walk ( folder ) : # add all files of the folder to the zipfile
for file in files :
zfile . write ( os . path . join ( folder , file ) , file )
zfile . close ( )
@ -144,13 +150,13 @@ def compress_folder(folder: str, zip_fname: str):
def main ( ) :
options , subreddits = parser_init ( )
with open ( ' config.yaml ' , ' r ' ) as file :
with open ( ' config.yaml ' , ' r ' ) as file : # loads the config.yaml file
try :
settings = yaml . safe_load ( file )
except yaml . YAMLError as err :
print ( err )
if settings :
if ' image-extensions ' in settings :
if ' image-extensions ' in settings : # uses image extensions specified in config.yaml fallback to default
global img_ext
img_ext = settings [ ' image-extensions ' ]
credentials = settings [ ' credentials ' ]
@ -162,9 +168,9 @@ def main():
for subreddit in subreddits :
dldest = subreddit
if options . output :
dldest = options . output
dldest = options . output # uses the -o output destination instead of a folder with the subreddit name
images = get_images ( client , subreddit , limit = options . count )
if options . zip :
if options . zip : # downloads to a cache-folder first before compressing it to zip
download_images ( images , ' .cache ' )
compress_folder ( ' .cache ' , dldest + ' .zip ' )
shutil . rmtree ( ' .cache ' )
@ -173,4 +179,5 @@ def main():
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
print ( ' \n --- riddle.py reddit-downloader by u/Trivernis --- \n ' )
main ( )