You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

186 lines
3.9 KiB

# Configuration
Some attributes of a Snekdown document can be controlled by using a configuration file.
The default name for this file is `Manifest.toml`. When importing a `toml` file, it gets interpreted
as a configuration file by default. Multiple configurations are combined.
The basic layout of the manifest file is the following:
# document metadata
# features used in the document
# additional imports and blacklists
# settings related to pdf rendering
# image settings
# Visual adjustments
# custom metadata
# String -> String Mappings
## Metadata
The metadata sections allows for configuration of document metadata.
It currently supports two keys:
# Language setting of the document
language = 'en'
# Author of the document
author = 'author'
# Title of the document
title = 'title'
## Features
The features section provides options to turn off some snekdown features.
The provided options are:
# if external sources (images, stylesheets, MathJax)
# should be embedded into the document (default: true)
embed_external = true
# If SmartArrows should be used (default: true)
smart_arrows = true
# If the MathJax Library should be included.
# Without this library the math rendered by snekdown won't be displayed
# correctly in browsers that don't support MathML (for example Chromium based browsers).
# (default: true)
include_mathjax = true
## Imports
The import section allows the definition of additional imports and imports that
should be ignored.
# those files won't get imported
ignored_imports = []
# stylesheets that should be included
included_stylesheets = ['style.css']
# bibliography that should be included
included_bibliography = ['Bibliography.toml']
# glossary that sould be included
included_glossaries = ['Glossary.toml']
## PDF
In the pdf section, some settings related to the PDF Rendering can be tweaked.
# If the header and footer of the pdf should be displayed (default: true)
display_header_footer = true
# PDF header template of each page (default: '<div></div>')
header_template = '<div></div>'
# PDF footer template of each page (default: the value below)
footer_template = '''
<div style="font-size: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%;">
<span class="pageNumber"></span>/<span class="totalPages"></span>
# The scale at which the website is rendered into pdf.
page_scale = 1.0
# Margin of the document
# Top margin of the pdf. Should be between 0 and 1. (default: 0.5)
top = 0.5
# Bottom margin of the pdf. Should be between 0 and 1. (default: 0.5)
bottom = 0.5
# Left margin of the pdf. Should be between 0 and 1.
left = 0
# Right margin of the pdf. Should be between 0 and 1.
right = 0
## Images
If you want to change the format or size of embedded images you can
do so in this section.
# Force convert images to the specified format.
# Supported formats are png, jpeg, gif, bmp, (ico needs size <= 256), avif, pnm
# (default: keep original)
format = "png"
# the max width for the images.
# if an image is larger than that it get's resized.
# (default: none)
max_width = 700
# the max width for the images.
# if an image is larger than that it get's resized.
# (default: none)
max_height = 500
## Style
The style section provides options to tweak the visual appearance of
the Snekdown document.
# how bibliography references should be displayed
bib_ref_display = '{{number}}'
# the chosen theme for the document
# one of: GithubLight, SolarizedLight, OceanLight, SolarizedDark, OceanDark, MagicDark
theme = 'GithubLight'
## Custom Attributes
The custom_attributes section can be used to define custom keys
that can be inserted as placeholders in the document. The mapping has to be
a String -> String mapping.
custom_key1 = "Custom Value"