[wip] Try to load i18n file with utf-8 encoding

trivernis 5 years ago
parent a4d39bdb6b
commit 1c94ced875

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ idea {
group "net.trivernis"
version "0.14-beta"
version "0.15-beta"
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ dependencies {
compile group: 'org.xerial', name: 'sqlite-jdbc', version: '3.28.0'
compile "io.papermc:paperlib:1.0.2"
compile "org.bstats:bstats-bukkit:1.5"
compile "org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.9"
compile "org.apache.commons:commons-io:1.3.2"
apply plugin: "com.github.johnrengelman.shadow"

@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
package net.trivernis.chunkmaster.lib
import net.trivernis.chunkmaster.Chunkmaster
import java.io.BufferedReader
import java.io.File
import java.lang.Exception
import java.util.Properties
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils
import java.io.InputStream
import java.io.StringReader
import java.io.StringWriter
class LanguageManager(private val plugin: Chunkmaster) {
private val langProps = Properties()
@ -22,7 +26,7 @@ class LanguageManager(private val plugin: Chunkmaster) {
val loader = Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader
val defaultStream = this.javaClass.getResourceAsStream("/i18n/DEFAULT.i18n.properties")
if (defaultStream != null) {
} else {
plugin.logger.severe("Couldn't load default language properties.")
@ -31,7 +35,7 @@ class LanguageManager(private val plugin: Chunkmaster) {
try {
val inputStream = loader.getResourceAsStream(langFile)
if (inputStream != null) {
langFileLoaded = true
@ -42,7 +46,7 @@ class LanguageManager(private val plugin: Chunkmaster) {
} else {
val inputStream = this.javaClass.getResourceAsStream("/i18n/$language.i18n.properties")
if (inputStream != null) {
langFileLoaded = true
} else {
@ -58,4 +62,14 @@ class LanguageManager(private val plugin: Chunkmaster) {
val localizedString = langProps.getProperty(key)
return String.format(localizedString, *replacements)
* Reads a properties file as utf-8 and returns a string reader for the contents
private fun getReaderForProperties(stream: InputStream): StringReader {
val writer = StringWriter();
IOUtils.copy(stream, writer, "UTF-8")
val escapedStringContent = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(writer.toString())
return StringReader(escapedStringContent)

@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
RESUME_FOR_WORLD = Resuming chunk generation task for world '%s'...
TASK_FINISHED = Task #%d finished after %d chunks.
TASK_CANCELED = Canceled task #%s.
TASK_LOAD_FAILED = \u00A7cFailed to load task #%d.
TASK_LOAD_FAILED = §cFailed to load task #%d.
TASK_LOAD_SUCCESS = %d saved tasks loaded.
TASK_NOT_FOUND = \u00A7cTask %s not found!
TASK_NOT_FOUND = §cTask %s not found!
CREATE_DELAYED_LOAD = Creating task to load chunk generation Tasks later...
TASK_PERIODIC_REPORT = Task #%d running for '%s'. Progress: %d chunks %s %s, Speed: %.1f ch/s, Last Chunk: %d, %d
TASK_SAVE_FAILED = \u00A7cException when saving tasks: %s
TASK_SAVE_FAILED = §cException when saving tasks: %s
WORLD_NAME_REQUIRED = \u00A7cYou need to provide a world name!
WORLD_NOT_FOUND = \u00A7cWorld \u00A72%s \u00A7cnot found!
TASK_ALREADY_EXISTS = \u00A7cA task for '%s' already exists!
TASK_CREATION_SUCCESS = \u00A79Generation Task for world \u00A72%s \u00A79 until \u00A72%s \u00A79successfully created!
TASK_ID_REQUIRED = \u00A7cYou need to provide a task id!
WORLD_NAME_REQUIRED = §cYou need to provide a world name!
WORLD_NOT_FOUND = §cWorld §2%s §cnot found!
TASK_ALREADY_EXISTS = §cA task for '%s' already exists!
TASK_CREATION_SUCCESS = §9Generation Task for world §2%s §9 until §2%s §9successfully created!
TASK_ID_REQUIRED = §cYou need to provide a task id!
PAUSED_TASKS_HEADER = Currently Paused Generation Tasks
TASKS_ENTRY = - \u00A79#%d\u00A7r - \u00A72%s\u00A7r - \u00A72%d chunks %s\u00A7r
TASKS_ENTRY = - §9#%d§r - §2%s§r - §2%d chunks %s§r
RUNNING_TASKS_HEADER = Currently Running Generation Tasks
NO_GENERATION_TASKS = There are no generation tasks.
PAUSE_SUCCESS = \u00A79Paused all generation tasks.
ALREADY_PAUSED = \u00A7cThe generation process is already paused!
PAUSE_SUCCESS = §9Paused all generation tasks.
ALREADY_PAUSED = §cThe generation process is already paused!
RESUME_SUCCESS = \u00A79Resumed all generation Tasks.
NOT_PAUSED = \u00A7cThe generation process is not paused!
RESUME_SUCCESS = §9Resumed all generation Tasks.
NOT_PAUSED = §cThe generation process is not paused!
CONFIG_RELOADING = Reloading the config file...
CONFIG_RELOADED = \u00A72The config file has been reloaded!
CONFIG_RELOADED = §2The config file has been reloaded!
TELEPORTED = \u00A79You have been teleported to chunk \u00A72%s, %s
TP_ONLY_PLAYER = \u00A7cThis command can only be executed by a player!
TELEPORTED = §9You have been teleported to chunk §2%s, %s
TP_ONLY_PLAYER = §cThis command can only be executed by a player!
NO_PERMISSION = \u00A7cYou do not have the permission for this command!
SUBCOMMAND_NOT_FOUND = \u00A7cSubcommand \u00A72%s \u00A7cnot found!
NO_PERMISSION = §cYou do not have the permission for this command!
SUBCOMMAND_NOT_FOUND = §cSubcommand §2%s §cnot found!
STOPPING_ALL_TASKS = Stopping all generation tasks...
DB_INIT = Initializing database...
DB_INIT_FINISHED = Database fully initialized.
DB_INIT_EROR = Failed to init database: %s.
DATABASE_CONNECTION_ERROR = \u00A7cCould not get the database connection!
SQL_ERROR = \u00A7cAn eror occured on sql %s!
NO_DATABASE_CONNECTION = \u00A7cCould not execute sql: No database connection.
DATABASE_CONNECTION_ERROR = §cCould not get the database connection!
SQL_ERROR = §cAn eror occured on sql %s!
NO_DATABASE_CONNECTION = §cCould not execute sql: No database connection.
CREATE_TABLE_DEFINITION = Created table %s with definition %s.
TABLE_CREATE_ERROR = \u00A7cError when creation table %s.
TABLE_CREATE_ERROR = §cError when creation table %s.
UPDATE_TABLE_DEFINITION = Updated table %s with sql %s.
UPDATE_TABLE_FAILED = Failed to update table %s with sql %s.

@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
RESUME_FOR_WORLD = Setze das Chunk-Generieren f\u00fcr Welt '%s' fort...
RESUME_FOR_WORLD = Setze das Chunk-Generieren für Welt '%s' fort...
TASK_FINISHED = Aufgabe #%d wurde nach %d chunks beendet.
TASK_CANCELED = Aufgabe #%s wurde abgebrochen.
TASK_LOAD_FAILED = \u00A7cAufgabe #%d konnte nicht geladen werden.
TASK_LOAD_FAILED = §cAufgabe #%d konnte nicht geladen werden.
TASK_LOAD_SUCCESS = %d gespeicherte Aufgaben wurden geladen.
TASK_NOT_FOUND = \u00A7cAufgabe %s konnte nicht gefunden werden!
CREATE_DELAYED_LOAD = Erstelle einen Bukkit-Task zum verz\u00f6gerten Laden von Aufgaben...
TASK_PERIODIC_REPORT = Aufgabe #%d f\u00fcr Welt '%s'. Fortschritt: %d chunks %s %s, Geschwindigkeit: %.1f ch/s, Letzer Chunk: %d, %d
TASK_SAVE_FAILED = \u00A7cFehler beim Speichern der Aufgaben: %s
TASK_NOT_FOUND = §cAufgabe %s konnte nicht gefunden werden!
CREATE_DELAYED_LOAD = Erstelle einen Bukkit-Task zum verzögerten Laden von Aufgaben...
TASK_PERIODIC_REPORT = Aufgabe #%d für Welt '%s'. Fortschritt: %d chunks %s %s, Geschwindigkeit: %.1f ch/s, Letzer Chunk: %d, %d
TASK_SAVE_FAILED = §cFehler beim Speichern der Aufgaben: %s
WORLD_NAME_REQUIRED = \u00A7cDu musst einen Weltennamen angeben!
WORLD_NOT_FOUND = \u00A7c Die Welt \u00A72%s \u00A7cwurde nicht gefunden!
TASK_ALREADY_EXISTS = \u00A7cEs existiert bereits eine Aufgabe f\u00fcr \u00A72%s\u00A7c!
TASK_CREATION_SUCCESS = \u00A79Generierungs-Aufgabe \u00A72%s \u00A79 bis \u00A72%s \u00A79wurde erfolgreich erstellt!
TASK_ID_REQUIRED = \u00A7cDu musst eine Aufgaben-Id angeben!
WORLD_NAME_REQUIRED = §cDu musst einen Weltennamen angeben!
WORLD_NOT_FOUND = §c Die Welt §2%s §cwurde nicht gefunden!
TASK_ALREADY_EXISTS = §cEs existiert bereits eine Aufgabe für §2%s§c!
TASK_CREATION_SUCCESS = §9Generierungs-Aufgabe §2%s §9 bis §2%s §9wurde erfolgreich erstellt!
TASK_ID_REQUIRED = §cDu musst eine Aufgaben-Id angeben!
PAUSED_TASKS_HEADER = \u00A7lPausierte Generierungsaufgaben\u00A7r
PAUSED_TASKS_HEADER = §lPausierte Generierungsaufgaben§r
RUNNING_TASKS_HEADER = \u00A7lLaufende Generierungsaufgaben\u00A7r
RUNNING_TASKS_HEADER = §lLaufende Generierungsaufgaben§r
NO_GENERATION_TASKS = Es gibt keine Aufgaben.
PAUSE_SUCCESS = \u00A79Alle Aufgaben wurden pausiert.
ALREADY_PAUSED = \u00A7cDas Generieren ist bereits pausiert.
PAUSE_SUCCESS = §9Alle Aufgaben wurden pausiert.
ALREADY_PAUSED = §cDas Generieren ist bereits pausiert.
RESUME_SUCCESS = \u00A79Alle Aufgaben wurden fortgesetzt.
NOT_PAUSED = \u00A7cEs gibt keine pausierten Aufgaben!
RESUME_SUCCESS = §9Alle Aufgaben wurden fortgesetzt.
NOT_PAUSED = §cEs gibt keine pausierten Aufgaben!
CONFIG_RELOADING = Die Konfigurationsdatei wird neu eingelesen...
CONFIG_RELOADED = \u00A72Die Konfigurationsdatei wurde neu geladen!
CONFIG_RELOADED = §2Die Konfigurationsdatei wurde neu geladen!
TELEPORTED = \u00A79Du wurdest zum Chunk \u00A72%s, %s \u00A79teleportiert
TP_ONLY_PLAYER = \u00A7cDieser Befehl kann nur von einem Spieler ausgef\u00fchrt werden.
TELEPORTED = §9Du wurdest zum Chunk §2%s, %s §9teleportiert
TP_ONLY_PLAYER = §cDieser Befehl kann nur von einem Spieler ausgeführt werden.
NO_PERMISSION = \u00A7cDu hast nicht die Rechte für diesen Befehl!
SUBCOMMAND_NOT_FOUND = \u00A7cUnteraktion \u00A72%s \u00A7cwurde nicht gefunden!
NO_PERMISSION = §cDu hast nicht die Rechte für diesen Befehl!
SUBCOMMAND_NOT_FOUND = §cUnteraktion §2%s §cwurde nicht gefunden!
STOPPING_ALL_TASKS = Stoppt alle Aufgaben...
DB_INIT = Initialisiere Datenbank...
DB_INIT_FINISHED = Die Datenbank wurde initialisiert.
DB_INIT_EROR = Fehler beim Initalisieren der Datenbank: %s.
DATABASE_CONNECTION_ERROR = \u00A7cDie Datenbankverbindung konnte nicht erzeugt werden.
SQL_ERROR = \u00A7cEin Fehler trat mit sql %s auf!
NO_DATABASE_CONNECTION = \u00A7cSql konnte nicht ausgef\u00fchrt werden: Keine Datenbankverbindung.
DATABASE_CONNECTION_ERROR = §cDie Datenbankverbindung konnte nicht erzeugt werden.
SQL_ERROR = §cEin Fehler trat mit sql %s auf!
NO_DATABASE_CONNECTION = §cSql konnte nicht ausgeführt werden: Keine Datenbankverbindung.
CREATE_TABLE_DEFINITION = Tabelle %s mit Definition %s wurde erstellt.
TABLE_CREATE_ERROR = \u00A7cFehler beim erstellen der Tabelle %s.
TABLE_CREATE_ERROR = §cFehler beim erstellen der Tabelle %s.
UPDATE_TABLE_DEFINITION = Tabelle %s wurde mit sql %s geupdated.
UPDATE_TABLE_FAILED = Fehler beim Updaten der Tabelle %s mit sql %s.

@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
RESUME_FOR_WORLD = Resuming chunk generation task for world '%s'...
TASK_FINISHED = Task #%d finished after %d chunks.
TASK_CANCELED = Canceled task #%s.
TASK_LOAD_FAILED = \u00A7cFailed to load task #%d.
TASK_LOAD_FAILED = §cFailed to load task #%d.
TASK_LOAD_SUCCESS = %d saved tasks loaded.
TASK_NOT_FOUND = \u00A7cTask %s not found!
TASK_NOT_FOUND = §cTask %s not found!
CREATE_DELAYED_LOAD = Creating task to load chunk generation Tasks later...
TASK_PERIODIC_REPORT = Task #%d running for '%s'. Progress: %d chunks %s %s, Speed: %.1f ch/s, Last Chunk: %d, %d
TASK_SAVE_FAILED = \u00A7cException when saving tasks: %s
TASK_SAVE_FAILED = §cException when saving tasks: %s
WORLD_NAME_REQUIRED = \u00A7cYou need to provide a world name!
WORLD_NOT_FOUND = \u00A7cWorld \u00A72%s \u00A7cnot found!
TASK_ALREADY_EXISTS = \u00A7cA task for '%s' already exists!
TASK_CREATION_SUCCESS = \u00A79Generation Task for world \u00A72%s \u00A79 until \u00A72%s \u00A79successfully created!
TASK_ID_REQUIRED = \u00A7cYou need to provide a task id!
WORLD_NAME_REQUIRED = §cYou need to provide a world name!
WORLD_NOT_FOUND = §cWorld §2%s §cnot found!
TASK_ALREADY_EXISTS = §cA task for '%s' already exists!
TASK_CREATION_SUCCESS = §9Generation Task for world §2%s §9 until §2%s §9successfully created!
TASK_ID_REQUIRED = §cYou need to provide a task id!
PAUSED_TASKS_HEADER = Currently Paused Generation Tasks
TASKS_ENTRY = - \u00A79#%d\u00A7r - \u00A72%s\u00A7r - \u00A72%d chunks %s\u00A7r
TASKS_ENTRY = - §9#%d§r - §2%s§r - §2%d chunks %s§r
RUNNING_TASKS_HEADER = Currently Running Generation Tasks
NO_GENERATION_TASKS = There are no generation tasks.
PAUSE_SUCCESS = \u00A79Paused all generation tasks.
ALREADY_PAUSED = \u00A7cThe generation process is already paused!
PAUSE_SUCCESS = §9Paused all generation tasks.
ALREADY_PAUSED = §cThe generation process is already paused!
RESUME_SUCCESS = \u00A79Resumed all generation Tasks.
NOT_PAUSED = \u00A7cThe generation process is not paused!
RESUME_SUCCESS = §9Resumed all generation Tasks.
NOT_PAUSED = §cThe generation process is not paused!
CONFIG_RELOADING = Reloading the config file...
CONFIG_RELOADED = \u00A72The config file has been reloaded!
CONFIG_RELOADED = §2The config file has been reloaded!
TELEPORTED = \u00A79You have been teleported to chunk \u00A72%s, %s
TP_ONLY_PLAYER = \u00A7cThis command can only be executed by a player!
TELEPORTED = §9You have been teleported to chunk §2%s, %s
TP_ONLY_PLAYER = §cThis command can only be executed by a player!
NO_PERMISSION = \u00A7cYou do not have the permission for this command!
SUBCOMMAND_NOT_FOUND = \u00A7cSubcommand \u00A72%s \u00A7cnot found!
NO_PERMISSION = §cYou do not have the permission for this command!
SUBCOMMAND_NOT_FOUND = §cSubcommand §2%s §cnot found!
STOPPING_ALL_TASKS = Stopping all generation tasks...
DB_INIT = Initializing database...
DB_INIT_FINISHED = Database fully initialized.
DB_INIT_EROR = Failed to init database: %s.
DATABASE_CONNECTION_ERROR = \u00A7cCould not get the database connection!
SQL_ERROR = \u00A7cAn eror occured on sql %s!
NO_DATABASE_CONNECTION = \u00A7cCould not execute sql: No database connection.
DATABASE_CONNECTION_ERROR = §cCould not get the database connection!
SQL_ERROR = §cAn eror occured on sql %s!
NO_DATABASE_CONNECTION = §cCould not execute sql: No database connection.
CREATE_TABLE_DEFINITION = Created table %s with definition %s.
TABLE_CREATE_ERROR = \u00A7cError when creation table %s.
TABLE_CREATE_ERROR = §cError when creation table %s.
UPDATE_TABLE_DEFINITION = Updated table %s with sql %s.
UPDATE_TABLE_FAILED = Failed to update table %s with sql %s.

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
main: net.trivernis.chunkmaster.Chunkmaster
name: Chunkmaster
version: '0.14-beta'
version: '0.15-beta'
description: Chunk commands plugin.
author: Trivernis
website: trivernis.net
