@ -13,14 +13,13 @@ Why? You can *try* to build it with `makepkg`, but for why?
| --- | --- | --- |
| --- | --- | --- |
| **Budgie** | ✅
| **Budgie** | ✅
| **Cinnamon** | ✅
| **Cinnamon** | ✅
| **Cutefish** | ... | Works but incomplete - wait for updates |
| **Cutefish** | ✅ | Works but incomplete - wait for updates |
| **Deepin** | Usable | Deepin account doesn't work, but that's nothing new |
| **Deepin** | ✅ | Deepin account doesn't work, but that's nothing new |
| **Enlightenment** | Untested | Testing this would end badly
| **Enlightenment** | ✅ |
| **Gnome** | ✅
| **Gnome** | ✅
| **KDE** | ✅
| **KDE** | ✅
| **LXDE** | ✅
| **LXDE** | ✅
| **LXQt** | ✅
| **LXQt** | ✅
| **Mate** | ✅
| **Mate** | ✅
| **Pantheon** | ❌ | Appstore broken, most apps broken
| **UKUI** | ✅ |
| **UKUI** | Untested | Didn't bother testing
| **XFCE** | ✅
| **XFCE** | ✅