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# Jade GUI
The libadwaita/gtk based gui installer using jade as the backend.
## 💡 Features
- Beatiful UI
- Easy to use
- Uses accessible technologies
## 🫂 Support
**Support** is available in our [Discord]( and the [Matrix]( If you face any issues with the software, feel free to open an issue on this repository.
## 👥 Contributors
A list of all **Jade GUI** contributors is available in [](
For a list of **Jade GUI** maintainers specifically, see [.gitlab/CODEOWNERS](.gitlab/CODEOWNERS)
## 💾 Installation
### 🏗 From Source
**Install dependencies**
# pacman -S jade openssl python-pytz gparted vte4 meson ninja libadwaita desktop-file-utils appstream-glib gtk4
**Install jade-GUI from source using `meson` and `ninja`**
$ git clone
$ cd jade-gui
$ meson --prefix=/usr _build
$ ninja -C _build
$ cd _build
$ sudo ninja install
**Install jade-GUI as a flatpak using `flatpak-builder`** (Recommended for development)
$ git clone
$ cd jade-gui
$ flatpak-builder --user --install --install-deps-from=flathub --force-clean build-dir al.getcryst.jadegui.yml
$ flatpak run al.getcryst.jadegui
## 📸 Screenshots
![App Screenshot](main-page-screenshot.png)
## 🙌 Contributing
If you'd like to contribute to **Jade GUI**, please follow the [Crystal Linux contributing guidelines](!
This project uses `meson`, and `ninja` for **Jade GUI** development, please follow the guidelines below:
## 📚 Documentation
We are also constantly looking for translators for our i18n-enabled projects! If you speak more than one language, consider helping out on our [Weblate](!
## 📜 License