@ -23,16 +23,15 @@ import { ActionLog, Actions } from '../../model/ActionLog';
import { UserInputError } from 'apollo-server-express';
export function genDateRange (struct: any) {
if (struct.to === undefined) {
struct.to = '';
struct.dateRange = '[' + struct.from + ',' + struct.to + ')';
if (struct.from === undefined) {
if (!struct.dateRange || !struct.dateRange.from) {
delete struct.dateRange;
} else if (!struct.dateRange?.to) {
struct.dateRange.to = '';
} else if (struct.dateRange.to === struct.dateRange.from) {
throw new UserInputError('Date Range can not be empty, provide different dates.');
// delete these keys, so the struct can be used to update the engagement entity
delete struct.from;
delete struct.to;
struct.dateRange = '[' + struct.dateRange.from + ',' + struct.dateRange.to + ')';