@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ A virtual machine for controlling a wifi led strip.
| jl (rgd, rgi, rgl) | jumps to rgl if rgd < rgi | 0x21 |
| jl (rgd, rgi, rgl) | jumps to rgl if rgd < rgi | 0x21 |
| je (rgd, rgi, rgl) | jumps to rgl if rgd == rgi | 0x22 |
| je (rgd, rgi, rgl) | jumps to rgl if rgd == rgi | 0x22 |
| pause (rgd) | pauses for rgd milliseconds | 0xF0 |
| pause (rgd) | pauses for rgd milliseconds | 0xF0 |
| cmd (rgd) | executes the command in rgd | 0xF1 |
| cmd (rgd) (currently not supported) | executes the command in rgd | 0xF1 |
| send (rcr, rcg, rcb)| sends the values stored in the color registers to the strip | 0xF2 |
| send (rcr, rcg, rcb)| sends the values stored in the color registers to the strip | 0xF2 |
### Registers
### Registers