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# minecraft-data-rs [![](]( [![](](
This repository is a rust library to access minecraft data.
The data itself hosted in the [minecraft-data]( repository
and included into the library at compile time.
### Excluding the minecraft-data at compile time
By adding `default-features=false` to the dependency in your `Cargo.toml` file, you can exclude the minecraft-data from the library.
## Usage
use std::collections::HashMap;
use minecraft_data_rs::Api;
use minecraft_data_rs::models::food::Food;
use minecraft_data_rs::models::version::Version;
// create an api wrapper for the latest stable version
let api = Api::latest().expect("failed to retrieve latest version");
let food: Vec<Food> = api.foods.foods_array().unwrap();
for food in food {
println!("When eating {} you gain {} food points",, food.food_points);
## Features
| Feature | Description |
| -------------|------------------------------------------------------------|
| include-data | includes the whole minecraft-data repository in the binary |
| api | enables the api to query minecraft data |
# License
This project is Licensed under MIT.