@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ def download_file(url: str, dest: str):
Downloads a url to a file
:param url: download url
:param dest: download destination
:return: None
:return: Success?
f = open(dest, "wb")
req = urlreq.Request(url)
@ -33,10 +33,13 @@ def download_file(url: str, dest: str):
image = urlreq.urlopen(req)
return True
except ConnectionError:
print('\r[-] Connection Error \r')
return False
except urlreq.HTTPError as err:
print('\r[-] HTTPError for %s: %s \r' % (url, err))
return False
class ProgressBar:
@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ def get_images(reddit_client: praw.Reddit, subreddit: str, limit: int):
:param limit: max images to download. if set to None the maximum fetchable amout is used.
:return: list of images
print('[~] Fetching images for %s...' % subreddit)
print('[~] Fetching images for r/%s...' % subreddit)
urls = [submission.url for submission in reddit_client.subreddit(subreddit).hot(limit=limit)] # fetches hot images
return [url for url in urls if url.split('.')[-1] in img_ext]
@ -114,16 +117,24 @@ def download_images(images: list, dl_dir: str):
:return: None
imgcount = len(images)
realcount = preexist = 0
print('[~] Downloading %s images to %s' % (imgcount, dl_dir))
pb = ProgressBar(total=imgcount, prefix='[~] Downloading', suffix='Complete')
for img in images: # download each image if it doesn't exist
success = False
imgname = img.split('/')[-1]
name = os.path.join(dl_dir, imgname)
if not os.path.isfile(name):
download_file(img, name)
success = download_file(img, name)
preexist += 1
if success:
realcount += 1
print('[+] Successfully downloaded %s out of %s images to %s (%s already existed)' %
(realcount, imgcount, dl_dir, preexist))
def compress_folder(folder: str, zip_fname: str):
@ -176,6 +187,7 @@ def main():
download_images(images, dldest)
print('[+] All downloads finished')
if __name__ == '__main__':