You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

479 lines
10 KiB

# ![]( Snekdown - More than just Markdown ![](
4 years ago
This projects goal is to implement a fast markdown parser with an extended syntax fitted
for my needs.
## Installation
You need a working rust installation, for example by using [rustup](
cargo install snekdown
With pdf rendering
cargo install snekdown --features pdf
## Usage
snekdown 0.30.5
snekdown <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
clear-cache Clears the cache directory
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
render Parse and render the document
watch Watch the document and its imports and render on change
### Rendering
Parse and render the document
snekdown render [OPTIONS] <input> <output>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-f, --format <format> the output format [default: html]
<input> Path to the input file
<output> Path for the output file
### Watching
Watch the document and its imports and render on change
snekdown watch [OPTIONS] <input> <output>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--debounce <debounce> The amount of time in milliseconds to wait after changes before rendering [default:
-f, --format <format> the output format [default: html]
<input> Path to the input file
<output> Path for the output file
4 years ago
## Syntax
### Images
4 years ago
Simple Syntax
4 years ago
Extended syntax with a description
4 years ago
Extended syntax with metadata to specify the size
4 years ago
Extended syntax with metadata and no description
4 years ago
When generating the html file the images are base64 embedded. To turn off this behaviour
set the config parameter `embed-external` to `false`.
4 years ago
### Quotes
4 years ago
Simple (default) Syntax
> This is a quote
> This is a
> Multiline Quote
Quote with metadata (e.g. Author)
4 years ago
[author=Trivernis year=2020 display='{{author}} - {{year}}']> This is a quote with metadata
### Imports
Imports can be used to import a different document to be attached to the main document.
Imports are parsed via multithreading.
The parser differentiates four different types of imported files.
- `document` - The default import which is just another snekdown document
- `stylesheet` - CSS Stylesheets that are inclued when rendering
- `bibliography` - A file including bibliography
- `config`/`manifest` - A config file that contains metadata
If no type is provided the parser guesses the type of file from the extension.
### Tables
Tables MUST start with a pipe character `|`
Standalone header:
| header | header | header
Header with rows
| header | header | header
| row | row | row
### Placeholders
Placeholders can be used to insert special elements in a specific place.
Placeholders are always case insensitive.
Insert the table of contents
Insert the bibliography list
Insert the glossary
Insert the current date
Insert the current time
### Metadata
Additional metadata can be provided for some elements.
String value
[key = value]
String value
[key = "String value"]
Integer value
[key = 123]
Float value
[key = 1.23]
[key = false]
[key = [[placeholder]]]
Metadata can also be defined in a separate toml file with simple key-value pairs.
The file `Manifest.toml` will always be included by default.
# document metadata
# language setting of the document
language = 'en'
# author of the document
author = 'author'
# Title of the document
title = 'title'
# A short description for the document preview
description = '''
# Keywords to find the document
keywords = ['HTML', 'Snekdown']
# features used in the document
# if external sources (images, stylesheets, MathJax)
# should be embedded into the document (default: true)
embed_external = true
# If SmartArrows should be used (default: true)
smart_arrows = true
include_mathjax = true
# those files won't get imported
ignored_imports = []
# stylesheets that should be included
included_stylesheets = ['style.css']
# bibliography that should be included
included_bibliography = ['Bibliography.toml']
# glossary that sould be included
included_glossaries = ['Glossary.toml']
# settings related to pdf rendering
# If the header and footer of the pdf should be displayed (default: true)
display_header_footer = true
# PDF header template of each page (default: '<div></div>')
header_template = '<div></div>'
# PDF footer template of each page (default: see chromium_pdf assets)
footer_template = '''
<div style="font-size: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%;">
<span class="pageNumber"></span>/<span class="totalPages"></span>
# The scale at which the website is rendered into pdf.
page_scale = 1.0
# margin of the pdf document
# Top margin of the pdf. Should be between 0 and 1. (default: 0.5)
top = 0.5
# Bottom margin of the pdf. Should be between 0 and 1. (default: 0.5)
bottom = 0.5
# Left margin of the pdf. Should be between 0 and 1.
left = 0
# Right margin of the pdf. Should be between 0 and 1.
right = 0
# image settings
# Force convert images to the specified format.
# Supported formats are png, jpeg, gif, bmp, (ico needs size <= 256), avif, pnm
# (default: keep original)
format = "png"
# the max width for the images.
# if an image is larger than that it get's resized.
# (default: none)
max_width = 700
# the max width for the images.
# if an image is larger than that it get's resized.
# (default: none)
max_height = 500
# Visual adjustments
# how bibliography references should be displayed
bib_ref_display = '{{number}}'
# the chosen theme for the document
# one of: GithubLight, SolarizedLight, OceanLight, SolarizedDark, OceanDark, MagicDark
theme = 'GithubLight'
# custom metadata
# String -> String Mappings
custom_key1 = "Custom Value"
The `[Section]` keys are not relevant as the structure gets flattened before the values are read.
#### Usage
Hide a section (including subsections) in the TOC
#[toc-hidden] Section
Set the size of an image
!(url)[width = 42%, height=auto, brightness=10, contrast=1.2, huerotate=180, invert, grayscale]
Set the source of a quote
[author=Me date=[[date]] display="{{author}} - {{date}}"]> It's me
Set options for placeholders
### Centered Text
|| These two lines
|| are centered
### Inline
§[#0C0]Colored text§[] §[red] red §[]
## Bibliography
Bibliography entries can be defined and referenced anywhere in the document.
[SD_BOOK]:[type=book, author=Snek, title = "Snekdown Book" date="20.08.2020", publisher=Snek]
There is a book about snekdown[^book] and a github repo[^github].
Entries can also be defined in a separate toml file with the following data layout:
# snekdown.toml
key = "value"
type = "book"
author = "Snek"
title = "Snekdown Book"
date = "20.08.2020"
publisher = "Snek"
type = "website"
url = ""
The valid types for entries and required fields can be found on in the [bibliographix README](
Bibliography entries are not rendered. To render a list of used bibliography insert the
`bib` placeholder at the place you want it to be rendered.
## Glossary
Glossary entries are to be defined in a `glossary.toml` file or any other toml file
that is imported as type `glossary`.
The definition of glossary entries has to follow the following structure
long = "Long Form"
description = "The description of the entry"
# Example
long = "Hypertext Markup Language"
description = "The markup language of the web"
Those glossary entries can be referenced in the snekdown file as follows:
~HTML is widely used for websites.
The format ~HTML is not considered a programming language by some definitions.
The first occurence of the glossary entry (`~HTML`) always uses the long form.
The second will always be the short form. The long form can be enforced by using two
(`~~HTML`) tildes.
The glossary list can be inserted with the `[[GLS]]` placeholder.
## Math
Snekdown allows the embedding of [AsciiMath](
4 years ago
The AsciiMath parser is provided in the [asciimath-rs]( crate
inline math $$ a^2 + b^2 = c^2 $$
Block Math
A = [[1, 2],[3,4]]
The expression get's converted into MathML which is then converted by MathJax when loaded in
the browser.
## Smart Arrows
Snekdown automatically renders the sequences `-->`, `==>`, `<--`, `<==`, `<-->`, `<==>` as
their respective unicode arrows (similar to [markdown-it-smartarrows](
This behavior can be turned off by setting the config parameter `smart-arrows` to `false`
(the config needs to be imported before the arrows are used for that to work).
## Roadmap
The end goal is to have a markup language with features similar to LaTeX.
- [x] Checkboxes
- [x] Emojis (\:emoji:)
- [x] Colors
- [x] Watching and rendering on change
- [x] Metadata files
- [x] Bibliography
- [x] Math
- [x] Glossary
- [x] Chromium based pdf rendering
- [x] Custom Stylesheets
- [x] Smart arrows
- [ ] Custom Elements via templates (50%)
- [ ] Cross References
- [ ] Figures
- [ ] EPUB Rendering
- [ ] Text sizes
- [ ] Title pages